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About detotoky

  • Birthday 05/11/1985

Tech Info

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  • System: windows_xp

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  1. Tonight I'll reinstall the OS again with the drivers only, I'll watch some videos in the net and if the PC blocks again that means that the problem is in the hardware... I'm willing to do whatever it takes to solve this problem !!! thank you again for helping me
  2. I took the CD from a friend. He plays this version for 6 months and no problems experienced so far.
  3. After installing the OS I've also installed the drivers, then Counter Strike (a different version then the one that was before installing the OS). I entered the game, configured me video, audio and player settings in the game, entered a server, played aprox. 7 minutes and the PC has blocked. After installing the OS no old data was transferred on the HDD... it was clean after a good formatting, only OS, Drivers and CS... Now I understand that I didn't chose the right topic for the post... I guess my OS is fine and the problem is in my hardware, but I don't know what it could be.
  4. No warnings... I'm going crazy!!! After a hard day of work I come home and wanna relax, play some Counter Strike and I can't do it !!! :( Could anyone tell me what should I do? Why does my PC freeze and how can I solve this ??? I'm almost desperate ...
  5. I have a Samsung SyncMaster 755 DFX running at 100 Mhz. The resolution is 1024x768, the same is in the CS... You must understand that the PC freezes not only when I play the game... Which part of my hardware could cause such problem? how can I check if everything works like it should, without bugs (from hardware)
  6. sorry for that, my brain doesn't work properly :( cause I didn't sleep last night reading different posts on different forums... I've done so far all that was mentioned in this topic , nothing more... could it be because of my video card? it's GeForge MX 440.... not much, but it's all I have... Till now I haven't had any problems with it, playing games, browsing or using/installing programs ...
  7. The problem appeared before I installed the OS 4 days ago. It was on this machine, I formatted c: and installed the OS again....
  8. I've installed the OS 4 days ago, all drivers... for NVIDIA I've tried the old ones and the new ones... The problem persisted. I tried to scan the PC with Windows Live on care but the PC kept blocking while performing the scan. I did a full scan with Avast when booting, after that I scanned with upgraded Kaspersky. Checked the temp of the HDD & CPU with Everest and it was normal, no more then 43 degrees. In msconfig witched off all programs from start up... Scanned PC for errors and fixed them with Error Repair Pro. now I don't know what else to do...
  9. I've read a similar topic where the solution was a good clean up, I've done it yesterday and no changes till now. Any other solutions? :confused:
  10. I've done c: scan for errors. what else?
  11. when I took out one of the RAM sticks it didn't boot, the screen was black. when I took out the second stick was the same thing except that was coming a "Peeeee" sound out of the case when a hit power... when I booted with both sticks it started loading and suddenly appeared a blue screen saying smtg about an error with the hardware and I must check if it is properly installed ... I restarted the PC and it booted normally
  12. Hi DirtyPolo I don't have any USB devices attached... I used a card reader, but it was a long time ago... any suggestions ?? :(
  13. Hi Wolfeymole thx for replying so fast. I have a weak Pentium 4 CPU 1.6 GHz 512 RAM Windows XP Professional SP3 I play Counter Strike 1.6, but the problem persists not only in game... It freezes while running Photoshop or other program or watching football online...
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