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About hawky

  • Birthday 01/03/1980

Tech Info

  • System: windows_vista_home

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. I've taken your advice and gone for Avira. And yes the registry problem is gone. Thank you for all your help guys, I really appreciate it. :)
  2. Thank you very much :) I followed the steps on the McAfee site and everything is working perfectly, am I ok to reinstall the firewall now?
  3. Alright, will do. I think that I have got rid of the malicious software that was changing the registry file however I dont think the registry was changed back when I removed it so the problem still exists. According to a spyware programme I have the file it was trying to change was: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet003\Control\Session Manager\BootExecute= So I opened up regedit and the registry reads: Name: BootExecute Type: REG_MULTI_SZ Data: (Blank) Are these the correct settings for this? Thanks, Hawky.
  4. Hey, sorry for the double post but I have gone through the Malware removal processes you have suggested up to the one that requires me to use internet explorer. The malware and spyware scans both found infected files which were deleted, however I am still unable to browse the internet using IE of Firefox. Strangely whilst in a game on steam last night I tried the in game browser and it worked, which I thought was very strange. Any ideas what I could attempt next? Thanks, Hawky.
  5. Hey, thanks for the help guys. To answer your questions: I am using McAfee firewall however I use AVG 8 free for virus protection. And yes, there is my PC and 2 laptops connected to the router, the laptops are working fine (I am posting this off one of them). Yesterday before posting this thread I downloaded a different spyware checker to the one you have named, when I booted up the problem PC today, I was greeted with the notification: "An important registry entry has been changed. Category: Session manager Change: Value added Entry: BootExecute" Now I have the option to Allow or deny the change, however if I click on deny the window simply reopens. So I am assuming beeceebee was correct in saying that I have Malware. I'm about to go through the guide he posted now and I will post the results once I have finished. Thanks, Hawky.
  6. Hey, I was just wondering if there was anyway to change the colour of the toolbox and other windows(such as layers window) in Photoshop CS2. http://z.about.com/d/graphicssoft/1/0/7/P/1/cs2-workspace-4toolbox.gif - Toolbox Not really an interesting thread I know :P But I was watching a TV programme where they had a black toolbox and after some poking around on google and in the programme itsself I couldnt find out if it was possible. Thanks in advance, Hawky.
  7. As the title says, I have been having a problem regarding my web browsers for the past 4 days. My computer is connecting to the internet fine, I am able to use all of my applications such as MSN, Steam and the ITunes store perfectley, however whenever I open a web browser (Firefox or IE) the page simply loads blank. The day this happened I tried: Rebooting my modem/router Disabling all antivirus programmes and firewalls Ran scans for spyware and viruses None of these things helped my situation in any way, so I decided to use system restore to revert my registry files back to the last good back up (one week ago). This was successful, after the system restore had finished and I logged back into Windows, I was able to browse the web perfectley. However, when I started my computer up the following day, the same issue occoured again and I was forced to do another system restore. So what I would like to know is why is this happening? What is happening (I assume a registry file is being changed)? And what can I do to fix this? Thanks in advance, Hawky
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