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About kypeswith

  • Birthday 02/26/1990

Tech Info

  • System: windows_vista_home

kypeswith's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Hello, I am having trouble connecting another pc across a wireless LAN to transfer files, what do I need to change to do this? The other pc is setup for sharing because I can connect to it with my laptop.
  2. well it works on microsoft visual C++ 6.0.. not sure why dev C++ didn't work but, anyway, i got what i wanted.
  3. well, i read a good page on simulating key presses CodeProject: Keyboard Events Simulation using keybd_event() function. Free source code and programming help and i tried to use some code and vkkeyscan is undeclared. it should work with windows.h? any help would be appreciated.
  4. mm i need to use some elseif and else schtuff.. that and get rid of the mod integer, it isn't used at all, lol
  5. mmm just made a prime number thingy :) doesn't do much special but should serve as a good example, and i could give you t3h wrox press C++ tutorial (good one) as a .chm if you want to add me on msn messenger : kypeswith(at)hotmail(dot)com /* PRIME NUMBER... FINDER...THINGY.. started at 15:16 2/23/09 ended on 15:45 2/23/09 ..don't ask why it took so long */ #include<iostream> #include<windows.h> using namespace std; int main() { int cnt,prime,mod; cnt=2; prime=11; while(prime < 100) { if(prime%cnt== 0) { prime++; cnt=2; } if(prime%cnt !=0) { cnt++; } if(cnt>=(prime-1)) { cout << prime << endl; cnt=2; prime++; } } system("pause"); return 0; }
  6. I recommend bloodshed dev C++ for a free compiler, it has an IDE too! completely free! it might work on vista, i have it on an xp system sitting right next to me, and i installed xp pro 64 bit on this one a couple days ago.. mm why not get a free one with an ide is what i think :) well on the site it supports xp, doesn't say anything about vista so i would give it a try, it's a pretty good compiler Bloodshed Software - Dev-C++ <-- link and if you're beginning always remember, the variable on the Left hand side of the = sign gets assigned the value of whatever is on the right hand side, pretty simple, right? i made that mistake a long time ago.. i don't have any more advice, sorry. but, i would help you debug some code if it's simple..
  7. well, i compiled my .js with jsc.exe in the %systemroot%/microsoft.net/framework/v1.1.4322/ folder and it doesn't work on other pc's. what do i need?? i noticed some programs compiled in C++ come with a redistributable installed with the installer program, so what does a jscript need, and help me make my C++ programs work on another pc.
  8. mm tell me how the version of windows would change t3h codE?? i know i tried using visual C++ on vista and my "using namespace std;" line didn't do jack! (it was in global scope, if that matters) i had to use namespace:: for everything..
  9. so much for protected mode
  10. so much for protected mode
  11. so much for protected mode
  12. is it true that assembly programming can damage hardware?
  13. is it true that assembly programming can damage hardware?
  14. is it true that assembly programming can damage hardware?
  15. hey that website on assembly is great! any idea why my hello world program is 5kilobytes compared to 39kilobytes (39 in C++ and 5 in assembly)
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