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Everything posted by lordmat0

  1. Security component upgrade Try upgrading from this site.
  2. Security component upgrade Try upgrading from this site.
  3. Security component upgrade Try upgrading from this site.
  4. OK it can run it but not well :P
  5. |MG| Video Memory Stress Test 1.7 This is the test I meant! cosworth4x4 what PSU do you have in your system? You might not have enough power/bad psu.
  6. It wont be able to run XP basic specs 533 MHz AMD 64 MB 100 MHz SD-RAM 20GB HD Product Specifications
  7. Yeah optional hardware updates are really good. In windows 7 it picked up my Lan, sound when starting up and then graphic, mouse from windows update. Only needed to install mobo drivers.
  8. Try a video memory test
  9. Have you tried using windows zero wireless service instead of the acer software? What browser are you using? have you put any proxy settings on? Is it set to get a IP address and DNS automatically on the wireless on the icon on the bottom right? Is the router setup to automatically give IP and a DNS?
  10. Have you tried using windows zero wireless service instead of the acer software? What browser are you using? have you put any proxy settings on? Is it set to get a IP address and DNS automatically on the wireless on the icon on the bottom right? Is the router setup to automatically give IP and a DNS?
  11. Dalo Harkin Gave me the little nugde I needed, thanks! Found a few things wrong! The 360 controller couldn't go fully up (used a program called nomorechillzone_214 to find out) although it works fine on a 360 console just not too well on PC The emulator for some reason couldn't see any new settings I changed to the devices drivers (need to find a new emulator :E), Devil may cry 4 did however so great! thanks guys.
  12. Few more details Both controllers work fine on consoles. I tested the ps2 controller on windows 7 and got the same result (but I'm not sure where it got its drivers from) Tried recalibrating and it looked fine but alas made me walk when pressing up. (I would of edited but I couldn't find the button!)
  13. Yeah both are connected through USB. I have configured both of them in windows but in games there's really no settings to change for this problem :( Its all games I've tested. (Devil may cry 4, ape escape they're a few more but I can't remember)
  14. I only tend to update graphic drivers. Only update other drivers if there's a problem.
  15. My PS2 controller and 360 controller on PC doesn't seem to like being pressed up on the first anolog. Pressing it any other direction works fine. When I press up my character tends to "walk" and not run like its not being pushed up fully. Really annoying problem and I've been looking for a solution for a while, I thought the 360 controller was broken so I bought a ps2 and yet the same thing happened :\ I've tried recalibrating both. Any help would be great! Thanks
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