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About Padds

  • Birthday 09/03/1953

Personal Information

  • Occupation
    Mainly housewife and mother now.
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Tech Info

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  • System: windows_vista_home_2

Padds's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. To cut a long story short, a (partner, loosely termed) allowed me usage of the computer and I have lots of programmes on there and documents etc. Since we are no longer together part of the deal was for me to have the computer. It is not an authenticated copy and I want to buy a proper one as I think it is only right and fair. When I buy it and download will I lose other programmes and documents or do I need to put them onto CD's I would prefer the XP version, so do Microsoft still sell that version? Lots of questions I know but now the computer is mine I want to do the right thing.
  2. It's alright Match, you have been most helpful. Shame you live too far away, I make a really nice chocolate cake or even cheese straws, yum.:)
  3. Hi Match, I have just put the usb mouse back in and it wouldn't work but it did not show anything up in Device manager, certainly no yellow signs at all. So I moved the mouse to another USB port and that one works fine. I have an Acer T180 D97Z and on the front panel there are three usb ports, two side by side with the printer attached to one, that works as I have just tested the printer but the other one seems to not be working. There is also one other port on it's own and that too is working fine.
  4. Thanks for all the advice folks! I now have a wired PS2 mouse and that seems to work fine. So now comes the part to find out why the USB ones stopped working, do I need to put in some new drivers? Or is it best to stick with the PS2 one?
  5. Thanks for the extra info Dalo. I will be back after lunch to sort it out. :)
  6. I had thought about it but I don't have one, well not one that works properly. I have to go out shortly but will nip into a shop and purchase one and see what happens then. Thanks
  7. My thoughts and prayers are with you all at this tragic time. My sister lives in Busselton and the other day she was telling me just how hot it is out there which doesn't help with trying to put the fires out.
  8. Thanks everyone, I do find pulling my hair out is painful at times. As the son has skulked off to work denying all knowledge I doubt I will get any help from him.
  9. Hi, I have a problem on my main computer, the mouse will not work, it's a USB infra red. I tried another mouse on it last night, that was loaded ok but even that would not work. As I do not know how to use the keyboard to get me into control panel and see where the problem is I seem to be stuck. Any help would be appreciated.:)
  10. Hi, I am a married female 50 something who likes to forget the exact age.:D I have one son, he is generally the reason for computer troubles. I do a bit of painting and sketching but my great love is getting time off to watch our feathered friends or anything nature wise. I have put I am not too clever with computers with regards their operation but can find my way round with help albeit slowly. :o
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