Okay, so over the past week i've got together some new parts for my PC hoping to upgrade it to a decent standard.
I've just purchased an AMD Phenom X4 9950 Proccessor, A GigaByte S-series GA-MA78G-DS3H Motherboard, 2Gb dual channel Kingston HyperX RAM (PC2 - 6400), and a new 600watt Power Supply.
The Hard Drive which i'm using is quite a relic, with Windows XP already installed on it. (It's a Maxtor 6Y12060).
But my problem is once i boot up with my new components fitted it runs fine up until the OS select screen, where it gives me the option to boot windows XP home edition or start the recovery console.
As soon as i click to boot up Windows it goes to the start up load screen (You know the one, the windows logo with the loading bar underneath) for a SPLIT second, literally just so you glimpse it. and then it restarts.
I've tried running it in safe mode and it made no difference.
I'd just like to know if this is likely a HDD compatibility issue, or something else. Perhaps a damaged motherboard/cpu/RAM.
Some heads up or a point in the right direction would be great thanks.