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About Xeqt

  • Birthday 02/06/1990

Tech Info

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  • System: windows_xp_media

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. I don't know I'm afraid, I'm currently not at home. I guess that would prove invaluable to your comparison.
  2. Hello there....So basically I need a new computer, I have got a Dell Power Edge 1800 that I could use for parts. I am currently looking at computers from Cyberpower and was hoping to save some money using some parts from the dell I currently have in the new system. i.e if the hard drive from the dell is good enough, then ill order the new system without a hard rive. Get my drift? So what I would like to know if possible: Is this possible to begin with? Are any of the parts from the dell worth using & are they compatible? Which system should I look at buying from cyberpower, Intel/AMD? Quad or Duo core? Is it worth waiting until the new windows live 7 comes out, or dosen't it really matter? Should I get a hard drive cooler? I will be using the computer primarily for gaming. The dell specifications are outlined above, but it has 2x1gig RAM, 500Gig HD & the 3.2Ghz processor I think. Thank you very much in advance for your time.
  3. Not sure if this is in the right section, but. What is the whole thing about 64-bit vs 32 bit, is it related to the operating system? sorry I’m clueless here. Thanks. ~Xeqt~
  4. Thanks again. :)
  5. I have got a problem when with windows xp. Start-up looks normal until the 'welcome page' appears. There are no users (there normaly are). It then sits on that page for a minute before it advances to the desktop screen. However when it arrives there, no programes appear on the desktop also there is no taskbar. - I tried to do a system restore however it did not change anything. Thank you. ~Xeqt~
  6. Ah ok. What about the graphics & sound cards?
  7. Hello everyone. I have a big interest in computer but have only a small amount of knowledge. This community seems very nice & the members friendly and helpful. The posts I have made so far have had very good feedback and well structured answers. Looks like im here to stay now! ~Xeqt~
  8. You guys are so nice on this forum. Thanks again
  9. Ah ok thank you very much, you answered my question before i could even ask it. Thanks again for your help.
  10. Thanks for your reply again, i might as well have a private chat with you :D. So what would be needed to do, in order for it to work in the new system?
  11. If i were to build a new computer, having allready got a hard drive from my current system, would it just be a matter of plugging the hard drive in and everything (programes, files) would all be the same as the previous system. Sorry im fairly new to the whole building. Thank you. ~Xeqt~ :)
  12. Thanks for your welcome to the forums and your fast detailed reply, I appreciate the help.
  13. I am able to get a Intel Xeon 3.6 GHz processor from a server computer (long story), would this processor be any good for gaming? I'm planning on building a new computer, and could someone recomend a motherboard to go with this processor. Thank you. ~Xeqt~ :)
  14. Hey there, thanks in advance for reading my post. I flicked a switch on the back of my computer which unbeknown to me, changed the voltage. After a bang and a bit of smoke my computer stopped working. Could anyone advice me of what may have happened and what sort of job would it be to sort the problem out. ~Xeqt~ :)
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