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Everything posted by mrstipple

  1. Many many thanks for all your replies and help. I broke the computer !!!! One of the metal pins in the connection had broken off. I know I shouldnt mess but I am a female who can't leave things alone. Managed to borrow a monitor due to lack of funds but when I am looking to purchase a new set up I will be asking for advice again.
  2. Yes - well at least I think it is. Very old.
  3. PS The colours I can see are White yellow blue black white yellow blue black Think I might be missing more than red !!!!!!
  4. No problems on the delay. Turned the computer off in the end. It is with the monitor - I just havent got the colour red. On your list I couldnt see the red stripe. I have a packard bell monitor - as for the other you asked - pass. Sorry I am a bit slow when it comes to computers. It is rather old and outdated but suits me for now. If you let me know wher to look for the information I will get it for you. It was working great til I moved my computer. Unplugged all the wires then plugged them back in and no red. Any help much appreciated. Mrs Tipple
  5. OOOOPs!!!! I have lost the colour red on my pc. This is why people who know nothing about pc's should not mess. I have tried all my connections, turned off everything and re booted the computer still no joy. I have checked the properties on my computer and in devisce manager I have 2 exclamation marks Hard Disk Controller - secdondary IDE controller (dual fifo) the first two in the hard disk controller section look ok PCMCIA Socket - PCIC or compatible PCMCIA controller How can I get everything back to normal - or as normal as I can get my old faithful machine. Many thanks in advance for the help. I do try to sort first before I ask but get nowhere.
  6. Thanks for your advice - I was being a cheapskate first as I am short on cash. Have to put it on my wish list for Santa. :)
  7. Many thanks for the response - I've done what you ask ( sorry didnt understand the pics ) it says the following ( couldnt show it as you did ) microsoft windows 98 second edition 4.10 22222 A Packard Bell Packard Bell Computer GenuineIntel X86 Family 6 Model 8 Stepping 3 63.0 mb RAM Is that what you wanted ??? Im rather stupid when it comes to computers - I press the buttons and hope for the best me.
  8. :confused::confused: Hi - my computer only has windows 98se - Im thinking I should really upgrade but am not sure what to do, how to do it or what I need to purchase. Can someone please help???? many thanks:)
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