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Everything posted by chris_hinks

  1. I looked at the propertys and i couldnt roll back the drivers. i then updated them as the picture shows and it said that a driver is there but its a driver for a CD-rom drive The drive that is working is a: LG multi DVD drive is the only one in the picture The drive that DON'T work is currently at the bottom of my bin after being smashed up with a large hammer
  2. I have no removed the other DVD/rom drive. this drive was installed about a year ago after i salvaged it from a computer in my house. It didnt work then and it hasnt since i just didnt get round to taking it out. the other drive has been working up untill about a month ago so i susspect that it has nothing to do with this other drive. although i was trying to download new drivers when it happened. i was doing this using Driver detective. It shows up on the Bios as a Master drive now i uninstalled and restarted it and it came up with the a failed attempt again. The drive is called "HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GSA-4163B ATA Device"
  3. I decided to join after trying to find help on the internet for my problem and i found this very nice website. i hope someone can help me my feed is in the softwear section its about DVD drivers thanks all!
  4. Thank you for getting back to me. I went to device manager and uninstalled the drivers, restarted the computer and checked the bios. The bios found that they were there yet when it had reboot it tryed to install it but failed. The DVD drive is made by LG but when i search for the Driver i can only find firmwear, i also have driver detective but that is saying that there system drivers :S its all very annoying (note that in the second picture the other device is a dvd/rom drive that dosnt work im trying to get the other one to work)
  5. i have had my computer for a while, and about 3-4 weeks ago my DVD stoped being mapped on "my computer" its very annoying as i cant watch DVDs or rip music :mad:. i have checked in controle panel and looked at the devices it says that the drivers are up to date yet when it looks for hardwear changes it cant find the driver. could some one suggest somthing as none of my friends know. many thanks Chris
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