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Everything posted by woz1

  1. Ok some of the fog is beginning to clear now guys thanks.
  2. Hello. I am a photographer who would like to set up a web site to showcase my work and generate more business. my problem is i dont know where to start. There seem to be many sites offering free templates, Templates i understand but the rest, domain names and so on are beyond me. So could you advise me on my next step towards my own web site. what should i be looking for and could you recommend a decent, err, well , site provider. Regards. Warren
  3. Ok, glad you told me before i buggered it up.
  4. hello. I am using xp on my pc but i also need to use xp on a laptop that i am about to buy. This is in order to use an old program associated with my camera that is not compatible with vista. If i were to copy my xp, would it work on a new laptop, would there be any problems, is it even legal? If necessary i will buy a new copy, but would rather not. warren.
  5. Hi guys. I am able to receive email but cannot send them, this is the error i receive. The connection to the server has failed. Account: 'POP3.homecall.co.uk', Server: 'SMPT.homecall.co.uk', Protocol: SMTP, Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 10061, Error Number: 0x800CCC0E this also automaticaly dissconnects the broad band connection. any suggestions!.
  6. Hi Hamilton. As a landscape photographer i offer this link to a site used by thousands of togs. There are many experts of photoshop on the forum who might be able to help. Digital Photography, Digital Cameras & Photographers | Photo Answers
  7. Down loading the free programs didnt't take long, but doing 3 seperate full scans takes around 2 and a half hours. I suppose it depends on whats on the pc.
  8. For several weeks now i have been following the disinfection process involving, ATF cleaner,malwarebytes Anti Malware, Superantispyware, followed by the Eset online scanner. I am thrilled to bits with how effective this procedure is, but all that scanning takes ages. Question is,is it a good idea to stick with one scan at a time or would it be safe to do them all at the same time? Warren.
  9. My norton is 2007, i used this pc purely for my photography hobby for a good while. AS soon as it went on broad band i updated it to protect from the latest threats. Does this effectivly make it Norton 2009 or is this too hopefull. this version was not pre installed on pc. This has got me thinking now that i might have a security gap?. are these latest threats just the very latest or are they every threat since 2007 was designed.
  10. Just realised this might be in the wrong thread. SORRY.
  11. Thanks guys. The only thing i'm still unsure on is security. I am using Norton internet security. It is fully up to date and all the settings are at default. are there any settings that should be set differently from the default, or might a different av provider be more secure?
  12. Hi guys. Being very new to computers could anyone offer any advice on the things i should be doing to keep it running well?
  13. Thanks for your input guys. IT guy from work sorted it out for me. it was a problem with a programe not being uninstaled properly or something to that effect.
  14. I have no problems other than browsing. MY connection is with toucan broad band, which is a TISSCALI subsidiary. I have not tried a different browser, would one help?
  15. Owdo all. ok, im running IE7 on XP. all of a sudden its taking ages to load any internet sites. so far hoping to fix this slow speed i have, reset internet options back to default, replaced the IE shortcut with a new one, and defragged the hard drive. I also installed Registry mechanic, which though finding a number of faults chooses not to fix the faults it finds, which change with every scan? Can anyone help please?
  16. kinda new to all this computer stuff, hope to learn, with your friendly advice.
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