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Everything posted by dtmcriss

  1. Is there any freeware worth downloading for this?
  2. It was from Graboid. They seem to have several different types of formats for their movies. How do I know which format I should use for the dvd? When I tried converting it, it didn't have any sound except it played with VLC. I don't understand how it can play with sound with VLC but not any other program or on my dvd player. What format should I use?
  3. DVD What's the best software for converting movie formats? Any good freeware for that? And does anyone have an opinion on the free software Graboid? And I agree with everyone free software is great. I can remember when computers used to come with free software whenever you bought them. Now it seems the best the can muster is free trials. can't even get microsoft word for free on your pc anymore. what a scam.
  4. Ok here's the deal...I have a movie I need to put into dvd format, but which format is that? The movie is in avi format right now. I tried putting in mpeg1, but there was no sound. So is it the format, the way I'm burning it, or do I need some other software? I am using Cyberlink DVD Suite and Next Video Converter. Please Help
  5. ok i checked out the site and found my cpu so its definitely not it...so i guess its a new motherboard:( oh well thanks for all the help guys!!!
  6. ok, but how will that help if i still can't get anything to show up on the screen?
  7. ok i don't know what overclock means so i assume i haven't been doing it lol, but as i said before i wasn't the first owner of this machine so its hard to tell what happened to it before me. I tried taking out the cmos battery and reinstalling it...i still got the same beeps. I didn't get the chance to hook it up to a monitor but since its the same beeps and everything i would assume its still not working. should i think about getting new bios? how hard is it to install them?
  8. and it is giving off two long beeps
  9. Ok sorry it took so long but here it is: MSI motherboard K8MM-V
  10. Ok don't have the time right now but i'll try to get u more info since, i know, my description was kinda vague.
  11. And please don't have me do that again lol. i got a big daddy thermal take fan on the cpu that covers up the ram so its a pain to get the ram in and out. Since it is beeping...is it possible that the mb is ok...or just because that specific part is ok could other things still be wrong with the mb?
  12. ok i tried ur advice plastic and i got longer beeps this time. And for tootech i don't have any other video cards in. Just onboard. The memory was secure. I mean i would think even without the memory in i should get something to show up on the screen but nothing, nada, zip. Btw tysm for helping me guys
  13. A little side question that goes along with this...if there is something wrong with the mb, would it be beeping and would i be getting power to my keyboard and on/off switch in the front panel?
  14. Dtmcriss here. I'm not really an expert at computers but not a novice either. Somewhere in between I guess. Just looking for answers like everyone else.
  15. Freespire isn't too bad either it makes everything fairly simple, although i did recently start to have some issues with it. Almost all the linux os that i have allow you to run two os. I think they have even come out with a way to run windows programs in linux. you have to pay for it but maybe that would be worth looking into.
  16. Ok here's the deal. I had problems with this computer. It had been rebuilt before. It had a motherboard with onboard vga. The power supply stopped working so for about a year or so i just ignored this computer and went on with my life. Now recently i decided to reinvestigate the situation. I bought a new 430w power supply to replace the old 300w one. when i took a look at the cpu, the cpu pins were bent. someone had jammed it in wrong so i bought a new sempron cpu to replace it. I replaced the old power supply and cpu and when i started it up, the monitor won't display anything. I tried other monitors, still nothing. The power supply is big enough. I'm having doubts if the cpu is right. The motherboard beeps 3 times and everything else seems to be working. The keyboard blinks when i first start it. The fans run. So is it possible that the VGA part of the board is messed up?? I'm kinda lost right now. Don't know whether to buy a new mobo or a new processor??? Help!!!
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