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Everything posted by pinknfluffy1985

  1. I got a new computer (at long last) and it has Windows Vista Basic on it. I need 4 programs on it (Illustrator CS4, Photoshop CS4, Autodesk Maya, and Adobe Micromedia Flash) now all of them have different system requirements for Vista. Illustrator and Photoshop want Vista Home Premium, Maya wants Vista Business, and Flash wants Vista Home Basic. I need all four programs as I'm an animator and animate on both 2D and 3D and these programs are what I use. What should I do? Is there a Vista out there that will take the lot? Pink :mad:
  2. Brilliant. Thank you both. If it's as easy as that then yeah I think I'll do it myself. Save that £30-£40 on something else. I've done CD/DVD drive replacement before and a RAM upgrade and they where straight forward. I just didn't know if the PCI would be as straight forward. Thanks again. pinknfluffy1985 X
  3. Hi I am considering getting a new computer as my laptop has had it (More or less). I want a desktop as they are easier to upgrade when it comes to memory (RAM and HDD), easy to clean,replacing the CD drive is easy, and you can usually put higher specs on a desktop then a laptop. Thing is I have seen the desktop I like but it doesn't have a wireless card built in and I have been told that the people I buy it all from will charge me £30-£40 to put it in for me. I think that's a rip off and I was wondering how easy is it to put in a wireless card yourself? Is there anything that would need to be done to the system before hand or after? What would need to be done exactly? pinknfluffy1985 X
  4. I used to have this constantly only I wish I knew then what I knew now. It would have saved me getting a new router. Ok you are going to have to go into the router setup and look for security there. Most if not all routers have there own security however half the time they leave then unlocked for your convenience. They tend to have security in there somewhere. Philips Global Go to this site and type in the product and model you have then either download the users manual which might have the know how of how you set up your security or go to help and support and ask them yourself. I'm afraid I can't offer more then that as I haven't used that make before. I'm a netgear user (and before that a Belkin). The Philips site is a start. They will know better then anyone how to get your security up and running. pinknfluffy1985 X
  5. I used to have the same problem but I found a more simpler way of solving it. I haven't used this trick in a while so I don't know if it will work now. It's so simple it's laughable but it did work (Well for most files anyway). Right first thing to do is make a file on your desktop. Call it whatever you like it doesn't matter. Right your next step is to make of the file you want to convert into this folder you've created. Once copied go to the file BUT DO NOT OPEN!!! Ok now right click and click rename. (Like I said it works for some files but not all and it has been a while since I've done this so I don't know if it will work). Ok when you go to rename it you type he name of the file again BUT at the end you add .mpg1 Then click off of the file (Anywhere on the screen will do). Now the file icon might of changed from Mpg4 to Mpg1. I used to do this with files when I was animating as some computer programs HATED the formate Mpg4. Why I don't know but they did. Well I hope that works. It's simple and works with most files and formates. And it saves you downloading anything too. If it didn't work I'm sorry but the only other way it to download a converter program. Good luck getting it solved. pinknfluffy1985 X
  6. Are you sure that the motherboard and the CD/DVD drive are compatible? It could be that they are not. You could try phoning the people you got the Drive from and finding out from them what mother boards are compatible.
  7. Hay ya I need help. My Laptop is driving me up the wall. I have a problem with my CD/DVDW Drive. It's got me baffled and I just can't seem to fix it so I wonder if anyone can help me out here? Ok here's the sum up, My Drive can't read CD's of any kind (Music, programs, even the driver disk it just can't read). Every time I put a CD in there it just can't read it. I've been into My Computer to see if it was the autorun but it's not. It says the drive is empty. But When I put a DVD in it can read it and even plays it no problem. Any DVD I put it (Data, films, blank) it can read with no problems. This drive just doesn't seem to like CD's. I have no idea what's going on here. I have tried backdating it to a previous drive update to see if that works but it wont backdate. It says that there is no earlier drive to backdate to. So I've tried looking online for an update to download but no luck so I've tried to look for the same drive to download so I can do a reinstall of it but again no luck. I've done troubleshoot and that was a waste of time. I've even gone into the drive and the only message I get is that it's working fine. The CD/DVDW Drive I have is: TSSTcorp CD/DVDW SN-W082B Please can someone help as this thing is driving me up the wall and buying a new one is really a last resort as I don't really want a new one (Laptop or drive). Also this is the only CD/DVD drive I have in the house. pinknfluffy1985 X
  8. Hay ya everyone. Well I like to think I can fix most PC problems. I have spent 4-5 years fixing computer problems. I learnt the know how from going through the problems myself. You see I have one rubbish laptop that hates me and most of the time I hate it. It gives me all sorts of trouble but 9 times out of 10 I have learnt to fix it and use this knowledge to fix other PC's. I guess I see my laptop as my guinea pig. Well that's about it really. I like to think I'm more then a novice but not quite a pro. I'll help out the best I can around here. Pinknfluffy1985 X
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