But you have to know "what" to do. Here is the info. I may have repeated myself in places " I guess that is what happens when you are in a stupor"
Dell OptiPlex GX1
Bios Setup Page Info:
550MhzCPU Pent III CPUID:673 Level 2 cache:512Kb intergrated
System memory: 288 MB SDRAM
Video Memory: 4Mb SGRAM
Drives: Primary Drive0:auto Drive 1:none
Secondary Drive 0:auto CD-ROM Device Drive 1: none
Actual CD-Rom unit in there is a Benq52x32x52(burner)
O.S. Win98se
This all worked before.
Then I took the Optical burner out(planning to put it in a faster pc > I have 4 computers so parts swapping was the idea<
- replacing its working optical reader-only, for the burner(which also works). Makes sense, right?
If they were car engines you are going to swap the 4 barrel carb(that is on the 6 cylinder) for the 2 barrel carb (that is on the 8 cylinder)if at all possible, right? I was using the same thought process.
Okay, I thought it was a simple bolt on job. And that is all I did. Unscrewed both and disconnected them and swapped them pc to pc. Both optical readers are master jumpers. I never touched that. ( I got lucky there )
However after the removal and remounting, I didn't go any farther. I had other work to do on the computer that did not involve the CD-Rom but did require me to go on the net...which I did and then I shut down the computers(powered off for the night).
I might have typed in the Run....Format C somewhere before I shut it down(isn't that part of what they do when they reinstall windows again into a computer?)
The next time I turned on the machine. I get the DOS screen "Microsoft Windows 98©copyright Microsoft Corp. "and C:\>"
I type in Dir:
Volume in drive C has no label
Volume serial number is 0A6D-19E0
Directory of C:\
Command.com 93,890
1 file(s) 93,890 bytes
0 dir(s) 6,129.64 MB free
I am not worried that stuff got lost as there was nothing to lose. But what do I need to do to get this machine up and running. I have a Win98se cd disk.
I have put the original optical reader back in (the burner) so am foregoing the planned swap right now.
The computer I am doing the repair work on is not hooked to the internet
I am using another computer to do downloads onto the floppy drive (3.5 inch disks) because there is no DOS bootup disk or things of that nature. So, if I require that information I can get it with this pc that I am talking to you with(it is a Compaq and it works)
The machine that is not functioning is a Dell P3. It had Win98se on it. And the burner information for the Benq optical reader(would be still in it) so I hope). The previous owner of the PC said he got all the necessary information of a "Nero" cd disk, which I have as well.
But the machine does not start in Windows. It reads A drive,(which I have nothing in there), When the Windows home page flashes on the screen, and then it goes to a flashing C: cursor.
So, I am stuck someplace that I do not know how to get out of.
The motherboard is a "Dell" A08bios.
And of course I was in there Pressing F2 for setup; also the other access by "hen pecking" F8 key
Again, I didn't write anything down, but I might have changed something(obviously I had otherwise I would not be in problems)
Hope you can help me.
So basically the only thing that works is the 3.5" floppy drive.
I would like to get this going as I have 3 machines that are basically screwed up the same way. (or close) But one at a time....the Dell first.
>>>Changing carbs is a whole lot easier.<<<