I have been experiencing this problem for months now, and only yesterday did i discover that it may be an overheating issue.
I have installed all available drivers, testing RAM, HDD,Stability tests, Stress tests and i am still crashing when i play 1 game, GuildWars. I even tried running XP on a different partition and i was still crashing in the game.
When i crash, the sound loops for 3-4 seconds, and then the screen goes black, leaving me the only option but to reboot.
Yesterday, i discovered using the program SpeedFan that my GPU is 77 degrees Celcius when running no programs at all. When i play Guildwars, it rises to near 100 degrees, and crashes soon after.
I'm not sure how to change Fan speeds etc, or even if i should do that, or maybe these Temps are normal for a nVidia 8200 card.
This computer is 3 months old , a AMD Phenom 8450 triple core processor, 2.10 GHz, 3 GB RAM, and 32 Bit vista home premium.
Any help would be greatly appreciated on my situation,
David :)