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Everything posted by Polorky

  1. Ah... all I did was plug the monitor in the original socket and removed the Nvidia card it worked I don't remember disabling the on-board card and wouldn't know how to, oops. The card must have been working at some point though because I could play a game that I couldn't before the Nvidia card was installed.
  2. Thanks There are some games I can't play with the onboard graphics card which is why I got the other one to start with but I'll look into that. Thank you all so much for your help I really thought the whole computer had gone up in smoke (shows what I know) and there's a lot of info on here that I need, so thanks again.
  3. You are a genius! Took out the Nvidia card and it all works hunky dory. Looking at the fan on the card it doesn't spin at all when connected and doesn't spin freely when disconnected and spin by hand seems to be getting caught on something although it seems to have a clear path. Does this mean I need a completely new card, not that I mind considering not long ago I thought I might need a whole new computer!
  4. Pressing the delete key doesn't bring up anything either. The computer is a HP Pavilion (a740.uk) Pentium 4, 2.8GHz processor, 256MB RAM, 160GB hard drive, DVD player, DVD writer, Intel Extreme Graphics card. I have since added Nvidia GeForce graphics card, 512MB Ram, changed the power supply to 550W, changed the DVD writer. I maybe shouldn't have tried to add stuff when I don't completely understand the ins and outs but it has been a year since the last modification and its been working fine up until now.
  5. Got it the beginning of 2005 so I assume the warranty is long up.
  6. Unfortunately nothing happened which is I imagine is not good! It just doesn't seem to be doing anything once its turned on.
  7. I have a similar problem to the previous thread although my PC isn't even getting that far. When I turn it on it makes the initial sounds of booting up but nothing comes up on the monitor. The tower also goes quiet so I don't think its the monitor besides I have the speakers on and there's no windows start up music. The disk drives are active so the power must be working. Trouble is with no actual start up on the screen there's not much I can do. The only things I can think it might be is either the processor or something to do with the motherboard but I don't really understand that side of things so I really have no idea. Can anybody help? :confused:
  8. Morning everyone! This looks to be a great website and it will hopefully help out a great deal. I also hope I can contribute something myself though I'm not a technical guru unfortunately. What I know I have just picked up from my own tinkering. I'd like to think I know more than the average man on the street but there is still a whole world of stuff I don't know. Anyway, hello again, Polorky
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