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Everything posted by NUFCAC

  1. BeeCeeBee, Sorry about the confusion with the > symbol, its a habit picked up from work (Non-Computer related as you can probably tell). On the UK version of the Pressario S4500 there are only 2 No. sockets whereas on other versions from differnt countries there are 3 No sockets. could this variation be the reason for the difference?
  2. Thanks everyone, Thats very helpfull, I have been searching web for a while now. Wish I had come straight here. Just to clarify why does it say on some sites the PC can hold a max of 1GB. Does this mean if you exceed this it will damage the computer or will just not work? As stated by BeeCeeBee (Cheers by the way) I have heard that you cant get too much RAM. By the way BeeCeeBee, I wrote that I want to upgrate to greater than (>) 1GB from my Current approx 1BG. I dont mind paying £40 or so on 1GB modules and having them not recognised or showing no further increase in performance, but I also dont want to damage my PC by installing them. Thanks again.
  3. Hello, I was wondering if there is any other way of upgrading memory in a Compaq Pressario S4500UK to >1GB. When I bought the PC it had 2x256 Memory modules, this was then upgraded to 2x512 modules. Based on what I have read on the internet the maximum which this PC can hold is 1GB. So firstly, is this the case? and Secondly, is there any other way of increasing RAM or should I just buy a new computer. The motherboard has 3No. places for Memory sockets in the actual Printed Circuit Board but only 2 No. sockets. Can an additional socket be added easily/cheaply? I would appreciate any help which you can provide. Cheers.
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