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About richthornton

  • Birthday 09/24/1953

Tech Info

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  • System: windows_xp

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  1. attaching another photo, still blurred but you can make out that there are spare pins. The blanked out one is not at the end hence spare pins either side. Richard
  2. Hi there It is a 9 pin socket, would be 10 but one is blanked out. Picture is a bit blurred but you may be able to make it out. Richard
  3. Actually you are right it is a 9 pin socket, would be 10 if it didn't have the blank hole. The number of pins on the mother board is 15, would be 16 but that has 1 missing.The plug will only fit in one place and that leaves 2 unused pins on the casing end of the plug and 4 unused pins on he other end. It takes the printer offline and when I switch the computer off and back on the monitor goes into power save. If I unplug the reader, everything works normal again. When the card reader is plugged in the computer says it is a PCI USB device but will need a driver. The power lights on the front of it does not light up. Richard
  4. Hi Guys I have bought in internal card reader from CCL which has a 7 pin plug on it. I have a Soltek 75KAV mother board and am struggling to find a place to plug this in. There is a USB2 connector on the motherboard which has 13 pins near the PCI slots but with it being a 7 pin plug, has a blank hole and can only be plugged in in a certain position. The computer sees it but it does not work and it also upsets other parts of the operating system. Do you know if it is possible to get a connector to plug this 7 pin plug into a USB socket as I do have an internal USB2 socket? Thanks for any help. Richard
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