port problem
Hi Match,
It was a required update from the software site.
Hi Wolfeymole,
Have turned off Virgin PC Guard functions, re booted, still getting the same problem, cannot connect to list IP server.
port problem
Hi Guys, Thanks for quick replies.
Wolfeymole:- Yes, i have been using it for 6 months.
Plastic mole:- using virginmedia firewall. All other sites i access i have no problems with.
Hope you can help me.
port problem
Hi Dalo,
Don't know what Torrent is.
The software update refers to a financial chart package called IQFEED from a company called DTN in America.
They seem to think something else on my computer is using the necessary ports, ie; 5000-5050 and 60000-60050.
I don't know how to check this or reassign them.
Hope you can help.
Hi all, I have the following problem.
have just updated some software for a site, when i try to open via internet i get the following message; "cannot connect to IPlist server".
It seems i need to enable internet ports, 5000-5050 and 60000-60050 on my computer. I have no idea how to do this, can you help please.
I am using Vista home premium and Internet Explorer.