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About flyingfifer64

  • Birthday 05/11/1964

Tech Info

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  • System: windows_vista

flyingfifer64's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. I Borrowed the disk from a friend. I figured it's legal as I paid for it (via Currys) and have my own licence key. The pc boots and loads the installer program off the CD drive but then tells me in a new dialouge box that it needs the cd driver to go any further, wierd but true! Cancelling it or trying to go around it stops the whole process... I want a driver and I want It now! It's all got far to clever, bring back BAT files and DOS, not great but at least there was some logic to follow.
  2. Cheers guys you've confirmed what I believed all along, but Currys keep fobing me off. I'm going to talk to trading standards and get some advice but basically I will insist that Currys come out and install Vista. If I had mad a recovery DVD thingy would that have worked with a new H/D with nothing on it?
  3. hi, Looking for help with my Acer desktop. The H/D failed and was replaced under warrenty by Currys but the guy couldn't re install Vista for me. I did not make a back up DVD and got no disks with the pc. I have now got a genuine Vista disk and am trying to do a fresh install but the installer is asking me for a CD/DVD driver. I have tried to down load this on a different pc from the acer euro site but get no save as dialouge box (feels like it's trying to write it straight to registry or something?) Can anyone help please? I need to get the drivers onto a CD so I can load them before I can carry on with the install. Rob
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