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About raters

  • Birthday 06/30/1954

Tech Info

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  • System: windows_xp

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. It Worked Hi Everyone I have been away for a few days but on my return I followed your instructions Match and I now have a computer again!! It would appear that the computer had been hit by 16 spywear viruses on the 16/03/09 which was the last time the computer functioned correctly. Everything is as it was and I am a very happy bunny again. Thanks to everyone who helped Raters:):cool:
  2. Although there are restore points available before I used the cleaner they will not restore therefore I cannot restore from any point before after or in between I have tried all the restore points to absolutely no avail they will not work!! I have no networks showing anywhere in all the obvious places. Do you need to know anything else? As I have no apparent link with the internet by doing anything to repair the computer surely cannot hurt anything I just need some help instead of explaining everything i write. Please don,t be perdantic just give me some advice if only to go away!!:mad: This has been going on for far too long
  3. There are no networks listed anywhere. I have also tried to do a system reload to an earlier date all to no avail I hope i have not caused too much mayhem answering the questions but my answers are all detailed but perhaps not in the correct place:o
  4. Hi I have looked at network connections and lan settings
  5. I hope you can help http://extremetechsupport.com/forum/images/icons/icon12.gif
  6. I have a pc and laptop, the laptop connects to the internet via the router but the pc will not.On investigation the network card seems to be connected to the router but will not connect to the internet. On checking Network availability no networks are available under Network Connections. We have 2 user bases one for us and one for the kids. When I checked the kids access I have a screen with restore active desktop and most of thr icons have dissapeared. I am not a happy chappy right now as the main set up program for the internet was done on the pc and i'm not sure where the set up disc is if needed. I recently installed C cleaner could this have done something to the registry or other set up files? Please help i,m very sad:(
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