Hi folks ! I've just posted an introductory message on the Introduction Forum - not sure whether this is the right place for my query - apologies if I'm in the wrong room - if I am perhaps you could direct me elsewhere ...
My query is about Memory Sticks .
I've bought a £20 memory stick, from John Lewis, I think it said 8 kgs or mgs on the package. I want to download photographs on to it, as The Man In The Shop said it would free up my computer a bit - I've put the Memory STick into the little oblong hole at the bottom of my tower - it's got a little blue light on it - I've found the photographs I want to download - so .... what do I do now please?
Is it true that you have to turn off your computer before you put the memory stick in the hole ?
I would really appreciate some help and I'm sorry if this is a bit of an elementary query