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Everything posted by Judy

  1. It's a Memory Stick, not a Memory Card Sorry - I've typed card and I meant 'stick' -
  2. Hi folks ! I've just posted an introductory message on the Introduction Forum - not sure whether this is the right place for my query - apologies if I'm in the wrong room - if I am perhaps you could direct me elsewhere ... My query is about Memory Sticks . I've bought a £20 memory stick, from John Lewis, I think it said 8 kgs or mgs on the package. I want to download photographs on to it, as The Man In The Shop said it would free up my computer a bit - I've put the Memory STick into the little oblong hole at the bottom of my tower - it's got a little blue light on it - I've found the photographs I want to download - so .... what do I do now please? Is it true that you have to turn off your computer before you put the memory stick in the hole ? I would really appreciate some help and I'm sorry if this is a bit of an elementary query
  3. Hello folks ! I think I'm going to be on here a lot - I'm a complete novice with computers, I only use it for e mails and arranging cheap flights - and I've just discovered Skype - under instruction (!) What a marvellous thing - those of you who can remember Eagle comics will remember them saying .. 'and one day you will be able to speak to people on the phone and actually see them as well ...' - well, Dan Dare was right - we can !! Do you want to know my query now - or have it got to write another post - is this just for introductions ? If it's only for introductions - I'll just say 'hello, nice to meet you'. My query is about memory sticks and downloading photographs - we've bought a £20 memory stick - I think it's about 8 kg. We've stuck it in the little square hole where it fits and it llights up ok - I've found the folder with my pictures in it - how do you download them now ? I'd really appreciate any help you can offer. Thanks.
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