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Everything posted by UKBraveheart

  1. Thank you all, Would i be right in thinking then that i can install the drivers in safe mode once downloaded?i know silly question but never had to do anything like this before:p
  2. If it did happen to be the drivers how would i correct this as as i stated other than safe mode i cannot boot up to desktop?Is there a way to delete drivers from safe mode?Then start afresh..
  3. I started computer in safe mode last night and it booted to desktop so i guess it is the grahics card that has fried.:mad:. I guess i better book it into the local pc repair shop now.Would i be right in thinking that most graphics cards faults are unfixable? Also im sure the local pc repair shop will fit a new card for me, would £100 cover the cost of a half decent new card?I dont have to money atm to replace the 8800gtx with a like for like card as it cost over £300 2 1/2 years ago. Thanks for the help anyway much appreciated....
  4. Thanks ill try that this evening and post back.
  5. Hi all, i feel ill be using this site a lot as i am pretty much a novice at working out whats gone wrong,looking forward to getting much needed help:D
  6. Hi, im not sure if this is a graphics card issue or not but can someone point me in the right direction? Was in the middle of an online gaming session when out of the blue the screen went corrupt with different coulours and shapes coming up in the middle of the game then freezing.When i rebooted even the windows screen on reload is looking corrupt with different clours and garbles letters,cant even get to desktop as when the hard drive click to go to initial desktop screen it becomes what i can only describe as a multi coloured mix of dots and lines like looking at stars in the sky.My card is a nvidia gforce 8800gtx and as i said im not sure if this problem would be a GC issue or something else like a hard drive or proccessor issue.Any help in the right direction would be most helpful thanks:mad:
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