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About Manny

  • Birthday 06/12/1973

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  • System: windows_xp_home

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. So for now it looks like another myth. :) Thanks again guys.
  2. Hi guys I understand this is an old issue, and the bottom line seems to be that it is a myth that to empty the pre-fetch folder speeds up the pc, as doing so actually slows it down: One more time: do not clean out your Prefetch folder! | Ed Bott’s Windows Expertise | However, a friend mentioned to me the other day that he has read (somewhere) that the My Docs folder is included in the pre-fetch, and if this folder is very large, then this too will slow the pc down as it boots. (He said he moved a lot of stuff out of his My Docs, and his pc has sped up). What do we think about this please? Is this more misinformation or is there some truth in this? Cheers :o) Manny
  3. Hi guys Thanks again for your help. I think i'm there. It was only once I'd finished that I found I had access to the different users' windows folders from either account, and that I did not need to go logging in and out of each account, in and out of the shared folder, copying the files over each time. Oh well, now I am that bit wiser. :) I have left the old user there just in case something goes wrong, but so far so good. Thanks again guys.
  4. Thanks again. :) I will come back to this page and follow the directions to the letter. Thanks again. Great stuff. :)
  5. Hi guys Thank you. I have the OS Express store folder in My Docs anyway, so following the instrcutions you gave should be easy, and I see why it is not as scary as I thought. (I imagine all the antivrius / firewall settings will be taken over too - and the desktop is only shortcuts). Thanks again. :)
  6. Hi guys A little while ago our hard drive failed and was replaced. The guys in the shop very kindly loaded up all the operating system etc so the pc was as good as new; except that when I got it home I found they had put my own name as a User Name (and spelt it wrong!). We would never use our name anyway, so this needs to be changed (and the wrong spelling is just annoying). We only have the one User account (the admin account) and I manged to change the name displayed to simply Main User, but still this other name remains on the folder in the Documents and Settings folder, and when I try to change it, it says it's a Windows System Folder and cannot be changed. I think one way round this would be to create a new account from scratch, and try to copy everything over; but this seems like a big job and we would prefer to just change this name. Can this be done please? Thanks guys :confused:
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