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Everything posted by sandmandan

  1. Thanks Match! Ive spoken to Ebuyer and they have given me an RMA number so they can take it back and test it for problems. Was looking forward to the new PC aswell...thanks again guys for all the help. Alex
  2. Hi all First time on a PC Forum as im somewhat the beginner! So hello! :D
  3. Ohh and I forgot to mention its a Foxconn motherboard...AMV7 I think it was...
  4. Hmm....there was no beep that I heard when I switched the machine on...there was some small clicks/beeps but their too fast to be able to tell in what sequence they were in. Does this signify a big problem?
  5. Hi Wolfe Ive tried plugging the monitor into the onboard graphics and into the extra nVidia Graphics card that has some supplied mounted in the case and have got the same outcome. At first I thought it may be the monitor but after trying 2 others that doesnt seem to be the case.
  6. Hi Ive checked the seatings for the components and they all seem ok. When you say posting Match, what do you mean? It us under warranty and Ebuyer have said that they can pick it up in the week and take it for testing. As Im not the most computer Tech Savy person I think letting them test it would be the best way to go? Alex
  7. Hi This is my first post on this forum so please any help will be greatly appreciated! I recently had a new computer posted to me from Ebuyer, spec as follows: AMD Phenom 9500 2.2GHz Quad Core 4GB 800MHz ram 640GB harddrive DVD-RW 20x nVidia GTS250 512mb ram No OS (Vista Home Premium to be installed) I plugged it all in to respective plugs and connected the monitor that I have aswell and pressed the power button....computer turns on but no output to the monitor what so ever...now ive tried three monitors and all had same out come. Any ideas? Ive read on other forums that it might be the graphics card thats installed there (computer came ready made!) Any help would be great! Cheers Alex
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