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Silver Child

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Everything posted by Silver Child

  1. I've not made any major changes for some time. Have recently added new wireless mouse which involved installing via the CD drive and this was successful with absolutely no problems. I have to admit this has been a problem for some time although, as I mentioned earlier, it has worked occasionally. I haven't tried System Restore as I did one when completing the installation of the mouse and this problem existed then. The CD/DVD drive was replaced about two years ago. Could it be a hardware problem do you think? Appreciate your help and assistance and any further thoughts.
  2. Thank you for your suggestion - unfortunately there were check marks against all three (Use, Control and Modify). I unchecked them, rechecked and clicked Apply and OK and just for completeness rebooted as you suggested. Still unable to get recognition as the Adminisitrator of Drive D. I've had this problem intermittantly for some time but it has worked (I copied some photos on a couple of occasions) and, of course, it has worked when installing a small program from a CD on every occasion. So, don't understand why, when i try to copy a document it refuses to allow me access to the drive. Thanks again and any further suggestions would be appreciated.
  3. Why, can anybody tell me, does my computer tell me that it will not allow me access to my CD drive when I'm signed in as the administrator. I get a message which says "You do not have access to drive "D" (my CD drive) please see your administrator". I have two administrators and neither will allow me to access the drive. Any help would be appreciated. :confused:
  4. My apologies - finger trouble! I appreciate the time and effort you are giving to resolving my problem but I have now tried both suggestions but to no avail. Since I have successfully made the changes you suggested should i expect the (old) emails with the red cross to now display the image? I have not received any new email with images included so cannot check whether it would only be effective for emails received after the changes. Many thanks SC
  5. Hi Unfortunately I do not have the options under "Tools" that are shown in your screenshot. All I have is "Message" or "Add to Message Book" when I click on "Tools". Is there some other way of accessing the "Options" tab? Just to confirm I am running Window XP (SP3) with Outlook Express 6.
  6. Hi there Randyl Firstly, I assumed that because when I went to Tools there are no options other than "Message" or "Add to Message Book", whereas the suggested solution indicates I should have an "Options" possibility. I therefore assumed that it was unsuitable for my set up. Secondly, to answer Maynard's question, it does not happen to all emails and where it does not happen (where red cross appears) I can be sure they are coming from a trusted source. Thank you for your help but, unfortunately, I have not yet resolved this problem.
  7. I have SP3 installed so suggested solution not applicable.
  8. Hi there I am starting to receive emails where pictures should be included. Instead I have a blank (where the picture should be) with a red cross in the corner. I run Window XP Home Edition with Outlook Express 6. I generally have solved this problem by freeing-up more memory but it is not working now. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Silver Child
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