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About Rachel1

  • Birthday 08/01/1974

Tech Info

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  • System: windows_vista_home_2

Rachel1's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. I'm still having problems...Can someone please help. Thank you
  2. I have now completed all steps. On step 5 when cleaning an Advanced INF installer warning message came up - error unregistering the ocx c:\windows\system\macromed\flash\flash9b.ocx. I have restore firewalls, etc.. and windows still cannot check for updates and still getting the iexplore message!
  3. I am now at step 5 - I have gone into programs . accessories . sysyem tolls and the only options I have are "computer (shortcut), control panel (shortcut) and internet explorer (shortcut)". I don't have a system restore option. I will try searching, where else would it be?
  4. Hello I am at step 4. When I right click on the Internet icon it does not give me the option to run as administrator! and the message is: Cannot initalize online scanner administrator rights required. How do I set these? Thank you
  5. I have always had AVG, but have only just updated it with the new 8.5 version and am now getting the iexpore warning messages. Its always been protectd. I only uploaded the registry cleaner yesterday. Would you reccomend that I unistall it? How do I clean my computer?
  6. Hi All....What aggreat website, just hope someone can helpme with my pc problems as I am completely useless!!! Keep up the good work guys!!X :D
  7. I have an x86, got the info from the device manager. Dowmladed the appropriate download and the messafe was " Windows update agent installer encountered unrecoverable error"!!!
  8. How will Iknow what version of windows I have? would it be X86 or X64 where will I getthis from?
  9. I have opened the CMD black box and input "net stop wuauserv". i an getting the message system error 5 - access denied!
  10. Help! I'm not computer literate and my pc is going wrong. I belive I have a 32 bit Dell Dimension PC, all was working fine untill November when my automatic updates for windows stopped working. Error code 80070005! I have searched on the windows support website but nothing has helped. i did try to download a realted topic which then resulted in a error message 800700002, I even downloaded something to search and clean my registry, but that hasn't worked. i was receiving the blus screen of death, but this was when my daughter tried to sign in, Ihave deleted her user account and it hasn't done it since. I am also receiving Iexpolore messages now for the last two weeks, but I have recently dowloaded the free Avg version 8.5. Message is "Access Violation at address 6c616b7 in module 'avg t00~1.dll read of address 00000004", this appears everytime I go online and open a new tab! As this is all new to me I am totally lost.... Please help! Thank you Its all getting really annoying
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