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About jessejazza

  • Birthday 02/15/1964

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  • System: other_linux_based

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  1. using Ubuntu 8.04 I think i'm right in saying that ext3 is the most commonly used file system with linux as it contains journaling features for safer data and faster reboots. From what i've read winxp uses ntfs and win2k uses ntfs or vfat [files need to be <4gb]. On my PC i store all data safely on a removable drive so i can use it on either machine [linux or windows] for which vfat seems to be the appropriate option. The vfat is simpler and [imho] that means reliable. Formatting in linux seems very quick compared with windoze which seems to thoroughly format each sector and then allows scandisk to carry out careful examination. Linux does allow one to check for bad sectors but it doesn't seem to be as thorough as windoze. a] does linux format as well as windoze? b] what file system do you recommend for storing data? c] how can i check a disk reliably in linux [badblocks, ****.ext3 don't seem to be as good as scandisk] Or just backup, backup backup... then one doesn't need to worry! thanks
  2. OK many thanks. I'll give that link a try.
  3. a] I removed the RAM and tried it in the old P2 i've got - seemed ok. How else can one test? On startup it sends the message to the screen; totals memory, what hard drive and disks. b] no onboard graphics on that mobo.
  4. Wolfeymole/Jelly Bean/Tootech It is an early P4 1.4ghz - Fujitsu Tbird mobo WB72 rev A1. [did a google on WB72 rev A1 had some spanish and french links come up]. nVidia plaque on the case so it would seem that the card was original. XP sticker on front of case. blank HD in at present. Tried a BIOS reset - screen message gone! But no boot up messages. I have 2 x 256mb and 1 x 128 mb SDRAM so i wanted to see if i could get it going.
  5. I tried the pci card i've got in an old machine and it works fine. I tried it in the 1.4 ghz PC and got the same "check your PC and video cable" message as before. So it would seem that power isn't somehow getting to the board - perhaps nothing wrong with the graphics card afterall. If the main mobo supply cable is attached to the board what is the next thing to check? [top pic above memory shows attached supply cable].
  6. While you were all kindly posting i had a look on ebuyer... to my surprise there were a few PCI cards - i thought they were all replaced by PCI-E. Will any of these pci's work then [i.e. memory requirements etc] Zotac 5200 256mb DDR DVI TV-Out PCI Graphics card - Ebuyer PNY Verto GeForce6 6200 256MB DDR DVI VGA PCI Graphics Card - Ebuyer Innovision GeForce FX5200 256MB DDR DVI VGA PCI Graphics Card - Ebuyer PNY Nvidia Quadro NVS 280 64MB DDR PCI DVI Retail Box Graphics Card - Ebuyer Just had a thought i've got an old pci card from a 300ghz P2 that might just work. I'll have a look on ebay but i had a couple of occasions where goods didn't arrive so i'm not so keen now. Why did pci cards go out of fashion - being pci they were reasonably universal? To get this PC going for the moment would be great and then with a pci card it is an easy transfer for an upgrade. Thanks for your replies... sorry i'm not so technical but i try!
  7. That could be the problem! Someone gave me this PC and it's reasonable to expect the card in there to work. It seems to fit is all i know. What other info should i provide serial no: MVGA-NVG11AM(400) 64MB W/TV (21)20020225021126 I have an old P2 case that has a similar brown slot. This machine i ran just with an old PCI graphics card. PCI graphics cards are old hat now i believe. Is it possible to get just a PCI card that might work - makes life simple.
  8. sorry... Yes. In the brown slot next to pci slots [close up of brown slot in second pic in centre].
  9. The first pic is the one from that 1.4 ghz pc which doesn't work - it seems.
  10. isn't one supposed to use Unetbootin... current version on ubuntu has a default app for making a boot usb?
  11. I'm trying to sort out whether i have a duff video card. I've taken it out and checked that it seats fully when i put it back in. I get a message "check your PC and video cable. Looking at the photos would an agp type be required? http://i93.photobucket.com/albums/l59/jessejazza/30may09-1a.jpg http://i93.photobucket.com/albums/l59/jessejazza/30may09-3a.jpg Would this an adequate replacement nvidia Inno3D 5200 128MB DDR 128bit VGA DVI TV Out AGP Silent Graphics Card - Ebuyer Just out of interest what is this type... i took it out of a PC hoping it might do but obviously NO. This is a 1.4 Ghz machine which is adequate for testing purposes http://i93.photobucket.com/albums/l59/jessejazza/30may09-4a.jpg Or would you say forget and get a cheap PC. I now have a 2.6 Ghz single core which is adequate for my needs but need a spare for testing linux software before installing on main machine. When i've looked at building one, the bewildering array of motherboards and adding up component costs doesn't work out much cheaper (or have i looked in the wrong place!). Cheap Business PCs, Workstations and Desktops - Ebuyer thanks
  12. I thought netbooks were slower and had less memory than a laptop and so were more suited to linux. Linux will be overwritten when the disk is formatted. Would win2k be a better bet - still supported, probably free (if you ask nicely!), uses less resources. [i am considering a win2k installation instead of XP on my machine - i hate the eye candy].
  13. I joined about a month ago and didn't get round to an introduction. I used to work in the oil industry, then teaching maths and now am attempting to set up an internet business. I look after my mother who suffers Alzheimers and my two four legged friends provide moral support. I used windoze 98 until 2007 [due to lack of cash] and now have been using ubuntu since. Lots to learn but ubuntu seems placed to seriously rival windoze. I have tried other distros; fedora, suse, arch but i think ubuntu suits my liking. But ubuntu does do some strange things in their development which i wonder at - i thus try to keep a fair balanced view. I joined the forum after having a look around; i'm reasonably technical but not up to date with the latest as it were. I want to build my own machine and will need some help from kind patient souls!
  14. I've been using ubuntu for a couple of years so Walt i have been through some of the problems with the 2007/2008 versions. I'm now totally converted but would advise the following before you have any grief. Get an old P3 1ghz 516mb or similar that someone is giving away... hopefully. A live CD is quite slow and won't allow you to fully experiment/test downloading software and compiling - you will make mistakes initially. Thus a test machine for you to make mistakes on is a good move. Linux runs quite happily on that [gnome desktop] and bear in mind it is not the memory hungry OS that windows is. Virtual machine and wine needs to be done on a faster machine. Wine is frequently updated and folk seem to have quite a few problems. I do have a windoze scanner and a couple of windoze apps so i do dual boot - but everything else can be done on ubuntu. Dual booting is very easy with ubuntu. I'd recommend a second hard disk. Put both drives on cable select. Connect only windoze drive cable and install. Connect the second cable for the ubuntu drive and ubuntu as it installs will create the grub menu for boot which is where you'll select windoze when you want to go into it. [Thing is windoze doesn't like other OS on the machine - it is possible to do it the other way round for the more knowledgeable]. That easy. ubuntu v kubuntu - i'd say ubuntu is a more polished choice but there are apps that one wants to use from the other desktop. e.g. krename for renaming all those digital photographs. But again linux is all about choice and you choose. With ubuntu they produce 6 month updates and i and many others have found that the April version seems to be better than October. I'm just an annual updater! Remember linux is not windoze.
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