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About SWash

  • Birthday 09/08/1965

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  • System: windows_xp

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Right restore point set , I can't conect to internet as yet as i'm at work and don't know how to get onto their wireless system ( I'm really not very good at this am I ) so will have to check later if copy of office is ligit ( although i must say this is the first problem i've had with it in a year and i dont get any warning issues saying its not ligit)
  2. right have gone into opa11.dat - gives me general only, i also have opa12.dat and this gives me the same. DATA gives me general, sharing and customize
  3. ok right i now have general , sharing and custonise ( I'm not on the pc i'm mending by the way)
  4. one thing i did forget to say was has a free trile of Office 2007 which ended , would this stop word working ?
  5. ok I got as far as set 8, opened Opa11.dat and this only has a general tab on it ? no Security ? have i done this wrong ?
  6. No discs !!! was given pc by a friend as it was .
  7. Thanks Thank you for the welcome, i'm new to this so hope I don't cause you too many problems ! :)
  8. Hi I hope I'm doing this right ! I have microsoft Office 2003, and XP professional. The problem i have is when i try to open word, excell etc... i get a message saying " Preparing to install", this then moves onto another message that reads " an error has occured and this feature is no longer functioning properly. Would you like to repair this feature now yes or no". I click yes and the message " preparing to install" comes up again, this hangs for ages then another message appeares saying " Microsoft office word has not been installed for the current user. Please run set up to install the application" This programm was working fine 2 wks ago !, i have had a couple of crashes and a couple of trogans! I'm desperate to get this fixed as I have a portfolio to hand into collage and most of the work is in word stored on pc !!!!! Thanks for help :)
  9. Hi My names Sue , I came across this site while searching for help with a pc problem i have, and having read some of the threads i think i've made a very wise choice to join you all. Everyone one seems really helpful so i'm hoping to get my problem fix in no time !!!:) Sue
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