On behalf of my son, but I have the laptop here with me.
Packard Bell Laptop Easynote GN45
WinXP Service Pack 3 (Media Center Edition)
Ran an outdated Spybot - detected Errorsmart, AdRevolver, Adviva, Clickbank, Hitbox, Mediaplex amongst many others. There was also an error during the check - VirtuMonde.windowsupd(1) failed to get.
Ran an outdated AdAware - Files required for Windows to run properly have been replaced by unrecognised versions. Need original versions. Insert SP3 CD now. No CD supplied with laptop and don't have a rescue disc.
On restarting Windows loads to the desktop, but there are no icons displayed. In safemode everything is displayed correctly.
Son accepts the harddrive may ultimately need wiping if the software mess can't be solved, but needs files saved from there first (he has backed nothing up).
The problem is that the USB pendrive is not recognised in My Computer in safemode, so I'm unable to transfer any files. Similarly I can get the most recent drivers from the Packard Bell site onto a pendrive, but then won't be able to transfer them to the laptop.
That was yesterday evening.
Today I can't access safemode - this is the message.
STOP: c000021a (Fatal System Error)
Logon process system process terminated .... status of 0xc0000005
The system has been shut down.
Is this the end of the road?
I'd be grateful for any advice.
Helen K