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Everything posted by mertymcfly
mertymcfly replied to mertymcfly's topic in Tech Support & Discussions Forum
Hi, the pre amp is by Omnitronic and its called LH -075 Tube Mic preamp , it has a series number 250077517 THIS IS AN image of the exat same one i have http://www.dieboxhifi.de/media3/omnitronic/lh075_2%28350%29.jpg -
mertymcfly replied to mertymcfly's topic in Tech Support & Discussions Forum
I wudnt let record into windows sound recorder.. when i clik audio properties in sound recorder i select the M audio delta as record playback, but when i hit record it doesnt detect a sound... bear in mind it is a condensor mic so im not sure with whether sound recorder will let me. Well fl studio and audacity both do it.. so im presuming sound recorder wil do it aswell, therefore what would be the next stage -
mertymcfly replied to mertymcfly's topic in Tech Support & Discussions Forum
Hi thanks for the speedy reply.. well iv checked audacity and the pitch temp its all set to 000... this is what i mean i have 2 increase the figures to get it back to normal... in the m audio delta control panel DMA Buffer size latency is at 256 samples which i fink is default anyway... dnt see anything about speed pictch... could it ahve anything linked to my LH -075 PRe- amp.. iv set the gain imput to Max, phantom power is switched on.. we also have limit thats off, phase is off, gain is also off, and then we have the Drive which is mesures in Db thats on full... if i dont put gain input and drive at full.. mic looses signal....im confused to say what it is.. iv watched the how to record vocals in fl studio and audacity iv done exact the same as they do only i get a squeeqy playback whereas theres is normal and original.... -
mertymcfly replied to mertymcfly's topic in Tech Support & Discussions Forum
Hi i found the problem it wre the cables i were using wernt giving enuff signal even with phantom power switched on, the new cables came in morning and it works... recording WORKS WOOO.. BUT!! theres always a big BUT in my Life.. when i record using audacity or fl studio.. the playback is squeeky as if iv taken helium gas... i have to strecth the vocal to get it back to normal, any help would be appreciiated. x -
mertymcfly replied to mertymcfly's topic in Tech Support & Discussions Forum
MIC TO PC VIA PR-AMP HI.. i have done all the above.. the m audio delta control panel is in my windos tray aswell.. i did it in the correct order.. this is exatly what iv done with mic.. theres a XLR cable going into the Input of my pre-amp thats the Mic.. and then a 6mm Jack cable from my pre-amp is going into the Input of my audiophile..., i was told to trigger the recording i need a recoring software such as acid or cubase etc.. i have fl studio but it doesnt detect the mic. im not sure what to do, i was also told if i fitted a new pci card to disable the original one from the boot setup menue through chipset because there could be a potential conflict in the two sounds, but i dont have speakers for my new pci atm, so im using the normal green, black and pink wires. With Fl studio i go into audio settings.. select M audio Asio and then i can select the input from where my mic is connected in channel settings... it shows up as 2 analog inputs and SPDIF inputs.. obvioulsy i select the analog because the im not using the spdif to connect a mic.. I have swapped wires round but still not had any luq. should i try another recording software like acid pro 7 which i have. another thing the pre amp is powered via a socket.. and then the jak and xlr leads are in there place. -
Anyone good with connecting Studio mics to Pc Via a Preamp using Jack and XLR cables. I need some Help geting my Mic set up, my Pre -Amp has pHantom power to Up the signal, but the Mic isnt detecting any sound what so ever.. and another question is, because my Pci is fitted new (m aud0iphile 192) im using my normal speakers (realtech audio).. to get the mic working will i need to buy monitors for the PCI? Computer specs are very good, can someone please just give a step to step, simple easy read guide to how i can do this... and what things i neeed to do within windows to get it to detect my micraphone...which in this case is the Se electronics sE2200a Thanks..this mic has been sitting in my room for 3weeks :(
Thank God i can still fit this new sound card, i was gettin so impatient i even thought about the return policy. Ok.. so il follow those steps.. il take One gfx card out, i dont play games on my pc anyway, i make music, so graphics isnt a big deal to me, aslong as theres no lag, its fine. ok, before i do anything wrong.. i want to take out one GFX card and slot in my Pci soundcard can you please run me througha step by step process of this, i would greatly appreciate it :)
Hi, i took a few pictures of my motherboard, exuse the quality of the pictures Iv included a picture of the soundcard as if i would be slotting it inside the motherbaord, so you get an idea of what im trying to do with what. Image - TinyPic - Free Image Hosting, Photo Sharing & Video Hosting Image - TinyPic - Free Image Hosting, Photo Sharing & Video Hosting Image - TinyPic - Free Image Hosting, Photo Sharing & Video Hosting Image - TinyPic - Free Image Hosting, Photo Sharing & Video Hosting I actually do think those big Geforce Cards are covering up the white pci slots, which may be hidden under, if i am right to say this. could anyone please give me step by step instruction how to take out the gfx card, because as you can see there are to, i have tried to take them out, took out the side screws, but it seems to be jammed in.. are there any other screws id need to take out?
Motherbaord picture Hi, this is what my motherbaord looks like.. iv not took ana ctual pciture of it as of yet http://www.pcgameshardware.com/screenshots/418x627/2008/12/Gigabyte_EX58-UD4P_01.jpg and the audiophile soundcard is this 1 http://di1.shopping.com/images1/pi/fc/30/df/23515318-300x300-0-0_Audiophile+192.jpg there are 2 gfx graphics card conencted inside the motherboard... therefore there is a lack of space , can i still fit the pci soundcard.. i need help... I think My GFX cards Are covering the white PCI slots?????????, shall i take one of the gfx cards out?
I Just ordered AUDIOPILE 192 PCI INTERNAL SOUNDCARD from Amazon, it wont seem to Fit Inside the PCI SLOT... My hardrive is pretty big aswel... but it wont seem to clik in or anything i tried soo many times, but dont want to damage anything inside, iv never done this b4.. i have sockets like the green, orange, black colours to connect speackers... i was wondering if i would neeed to unplug them and replace it for my NEW PCI soundcard??????? because the pci wont fit anywhere else.... im soo gutted man im having troubles with this! someone please help.
System32\NTOSKRNL.EXE is missing or corrupt.
mertymcfly replied to mertymcfly's topic in Tech Support & Discussions Forum
HI I DID EXACTLY WHAT YOU SAID.. AND EVERYTHING WORKED EXCELLENT.. THANKYOU for the Clear step by step instructions :) Thank you!! -
AFTER I INSTALLING SERVICE PACK 3....AND RESTARTING THE PC... I GET THIS.... <windows root> System32\NTOSKRNL.EXE is missing or corrupt. current investigation : Booting XP CD.. hiting 'r' for repair console... problem... there is no R option.. i only have,, tHE CREATE, DELETE OR EXIT OPTION when i come to my partition screen????? OMG? WHYYYYYYYYYY?????? I NEED HELP...MY XP CD CAME WID SP2...WHEN INSTALLED... NAW IM FORMATING THE PARTITION AGAIN TO REINTALL THE CD.. and this time will not Update to SP3 :S ITS TIME CONSUMING PLEASE HELPP!!!!!
Jelly bean is right... you said you use GeForce 8800 GT, my mates play allot of cod4 on it... and his suddently stopes and the monitor goes off.. may you should chek if its your monitor and just see if the plugs are in right.... if not like Jelly bean has said update your giforce drivers from the NVIDIA website... also you may want to clean out your system using defrag and CCleaner a freeware can be downloaded it cleans your reg, connect only one minitor and fix your resolution to normal again, ... but sounds like your graphics card is toast man. alternative: unintall the geforce drivers shut down pc install the video card use PCI express as the primary driver -- does it recognise the video card? should be able to find the device chek also device manager under display adapters to see if PCI is listed...or try reintalling motherbaord drivers? If its a big problem and you dont want to spend more money... can also reinstall everything by deleting the vista partion, format the partition, and then creating a new one using the vista CD... and then reintall all your graphics and sound drivers..
mertymcfly replied to mertymcfly's topic in Tech Support & Discussions Forum
Hi Jelly Bean and maynardvdm I was running a x64bit Vista Machine with an intel i7 processor.... i have managed to downgrade my machine to windows XP Professional.. its no longer 64bit :P... there are allot of forums who say you cannot go from 64 to 32 etc.. but iv done it, the only complexity during the processs of the downgrade is getting your drivers to work on the XP.. lukily i had My drivers all on CD i.e graphics drivers and sound drivers... the windows XP professional had SP2 already on it, haw did i get pass the dialogue box?... the initail CD i used was x64 XP PRO.... i had to delete the partition and format it due to the dialogue box that wouldnt let me log in .. so i borrowed my friends Normal Windows XP Professional disck.. and WALA it worked like a treat.... Naw iv just installed SP3 for my PC.. They say XP 32bit Can only take 4GB of ram or something like that... well I have 9GM of Ram and it works Flawlessly, iv never seen My machine Boot so fast and run so fast and smooth.... I didnt get any help from this forum... But over the years I have learned allot about PC's, and because you try to help.. il be here to help others aswell... so if you have any system problems, i will try my best to reply with a solution to your problems. Thanks in advance :) -
mertymcfly replied to mertymcfly's topic in Tech Support & Discussions Forum
Hi maynardvdm Instead of Media centre i went for x64 windows XP.. and I have completed the installation of windows after creating a new partition and so on.... Now iv arrived at the log in screen and i cant seem to get in.. with the username as administrator.. if i just hit enter with the password blank it says the system cannot log you on due to the follwing error: The specified domian either does not exist or could not be contacted please try again or consult your system administrator I didnt set a password?... Please help!! -
I Currently have the following specs: Zoostorm Desktop, Quad Core I7-940 SLI Gaming PC, 2.93GHz, 1TB HDD, 9GB DDR3 RAM, Blu-Ray, 2 x nVidia GTX260, Card reader, X58 Motherboard, 880W PSU, Keyboard and Mouse, Vista Premium I dont like Vista.. i want to downgrade my Vista64x machine with the above specs, to windows XP Media centre.. I have the CD And serial... my mate said that Xp will install,,,, but it will be complicated to get my drivers working on XP Please could you explain step by step haw it is done.. anyone with good experinece please.. i dont want to mess up! Much appreciated
Specs -Zoostorm Desktop, Quad Core I7-940 SLI Gaming PC, 2.93GHz, 1TB HDD, 9GB DDR3 RAM, Blu-Ray, 2 x nVidia GTX260, Card reader, X58 Motherboard, 880W PSU, Keyboard and Mouse, Vista Premium 64bit eddition. Cannot get vista to Install my Belking G plus USB Dongle, I i have used it before and it worked great, But on this new PC, Its always Unsucessful. 1) Ok, so Iv installed the Belkin USB CD. I went to: Start, Computer, Properties, Device Manager, and There is a little orange on other divices - Belkin High-speed Mode Wireless G USB Network Adapter. 2) Next, I insert the USB behind the Pc Tower, a Dialogue box appears which says, Found new Hardware, Windows needs to install driver software for your Belkin Hgh-speed Mode Wireless G USB Netwrok Adapter. the dialogue box gives me 3 options: 1) Locate and install driver software(Recommended) 2) Ask me later 3) Dont show this message again for this divise I click option 1) Loate and install driver software as recommended, I grant permission to continue, so contiinue, Now new dialog box appears Insert Disk that came with the Belking USB network adapter, if you have the disk insert it now,, although the disk is already inside... i open and re insert it...alternatively, the other option is other options., anyway, if i clik next - could not find driver software. :( initially, this new pc turned out to be faulty( randomly turning off, probbaly heat related).. they resent me a direct replacement, im finaly on the desktop.. and now I get a new problem :(, cannot install any drivers... i gt this same problem, and at the system tray, it would say the driver was installed unsucessfully. Please Help! :(
Intel Core i7 Help Hi, Thank you for your advise, I have tried all you just said, Im shocked to be honest... I bought it from ebuyer.com... and why isit everything cheap works the best.. but when it comes to expensive products.. things end up going wrong.. wel i have a 7 day free tech support.. Il call them tomorro and ask them for help, I have a 1 year warranty.. so seems it may be faulty eenough for a repair if they see the same problem. I was realy looking forward to start adobe after effect, cs3 , fl studios.. I basicaly bought the Pc because I work hard around programmes, and i need loads of memory. Thank you once again my dear friend.
HI, After no luq with my AMD Athlon x2 64bit Shuttle, which I believe the Graphics card may have gone faulty or other connections linked to the motherbaord. I decided to buy a real machine, these are the specs Zoostorm Desktop, Quad Core I7-940 SLI Gaming PC, 2.93GHz, 1TB HDD, 9GB DDR3 RAM, Blu-Ray, 2 x nVidia GTX260, Card reader, X58 Motherboard, 880W PSU, Keyboard and Mouse, Vista Premium The Machine arrived today and its BRAND NEW, I connected it up 2 my monitor which is only a VGA monitor, 19inch LCD, I connected to MY NEW P, however, using a DVI adapter, because the New PC does not have a VGA port. Anyway, the problem i switch the On button, the screen loads on the monitor, but then automatically turns off, asif the machine lost its breath!, so it affected the very initial startup setting, which now says there was an unexpected error, please restart the computer and restart the installation. However, if i start the PC again it will Stop again Its very similar to what i encountered with the AMD ATHLON, it wud also switch off automatically.... I gave the AMD to my mate to try at his house... he got the same result as i did.. Now, why is this happening to a BRAND NEW PC, WHICH IS LIKE 10X BETTER THAN THE AMD? could it be Power supply? could it be the Monitor lead? (VGA) - MOnitor is Vga only, Pc is dvi Only. (So i used conveter) It brand new, so it cant be: Graphics Motherboard or anything else Next.. I disconnected the monitor completly from the PC, and just turned on the PC itself 2 see if it keeps on...However... even without the monitor attached... the Pc turns off again asif it runs out of breath. I really neeed help, I payed allot for the Pc. Many Regards
Hi, I did exatcly what both of you said and the PC is still showing up as a 'no signal input'. I thought it would work, but we are getting the same results. The strange thing is Pc helpers, is that the fans turn on, its clean and seems like the hardrive works like normal, i dont even get a funny noice, its sounds very smooth, just as a normal pc would. What other help is available, there was a time where the PC would swicth off on its own after a while, I gave it to a Friend, and he said the Shuttle would get to hot, thats the reason it turns off, so he fitted a case fan behind it, and it started working for longer steadly. SO, im not sure if a circuit on the mother baord mite have blown up. The Shuttle still remains in its no signal input state. Any other suggestions, I realy do apprciate all this help!! Still need Help Many Regards
Hi, I forget to mension the graphics car, the input/output behind the shuttle, well the lead that comes from the moniter does not connect straight behind, I have this small additional connection plug that I have to screw behind the shuttle, then ontop of it i screw the Monitor lead onto it. (IM not familiar wid what its called, but you can imagine it I hope)
AMD ATHLON 64 BIT X2 HI, I tried it using a different monitor, but it shows the moniter was not faulty at all. The shuttle does have an onboard graphics, When i tried the Hardrive on a different Pc, I got the same problem, no signal input. I did a couple of times atatch the shuttle to a 42 inch philips plasma, and the desktop would show on the 42 inch, i did mess around with the resolution at the time, im nt aware of what resolution i was using, but there was a mess arnd with resolution and monitor 1/2 etc. SO, im not sure if resolution has any part in this? maybe i would have 2 re connect it to the 42 inch, and reset the resolution back to normal? just a possibility. Im not sure with the onboard graphics , if it has omehow corrupted or a circuit when faulty, what would be my next steps? I mean I hoep i dont have to buy a complete new motehr board, if thats the case? Thanks for your reply, Still need help Many Reagrds
HI, i have an Amd Athlon x 2 64 bit, its has not been working for months now, so i just left it in the attiq, the problem is, when i turn the switch on from hardrive, the fans turn on, the lighst come on, it sounds fully functioning, but the lcd moniter, which is 19inch does not turn on? it says 'no signal input'. Its not the power supply, or the wires behind the moniter, i have cheked them several times. On a very rare occasion it may swicth on, but after a while it will go bak to 'no signal input'. Im very new to pcs, and this Pc is a small shuttle, wid 1gb ram. I searched on this, some said it could be a molecule or dust stoping a connection, 2 me that souns silly, but i my Pc looks new, n the inside isnt dusty at all, the Fan has hardly any dust around it, n i cleaned it just to check aswell, It still says 'no signal input'. If someone could reply in simple english, n not soo technical, it would be appreiated, if there are any technical terms, then please say what it is n where it can be found etc. Please Help Many Regards.