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About bannik

  • Birthday 07/31/1987

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  • System: windows_xp_home

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. well actually someone mentioned that the bios could be a reason why my Graphics card doesnt work (my first ever thread, thanks for replaying by the way) like the power etc...so i thought that after i resete the password on my bios (which i forgot) then i could edit it and see if anything can be done so its not a particular change it just something i want to try.. my pc works perfectly apart from the lack of graphics card, i might buy a new one but i dont think the graphics card or anything on my pc is broken..... maybe a clean install...
  2. Basically i can view and see and enter my bios but i cant change ANYTHING in it, i cant even highlight it, its like the pc forbids me from doing it? any ideas UKT Support - Advent 3419 PC thats my pc with a different ram....
  3. i am not gonna say anything cause i am not 100% what your actual problem is (like the person above me said, get the code and google it too find out) but i had similair issues with my pc crashing every half hour randomly, got new ram fixed the problem.. so if you updated it or someone inserted a new ram it could be faulty etv
  4. sry if i am not much help but it looks like you got enough suggestions, i also suggest just googling for the info as this is not the first time a problem like this happend Link Removed this guy solved it so it might help but if the problem still persists and you need the net and haven't fixed it yet I use too have a similar problem and used no script (a Firefox addon) that solved it temporarily (the links worked fine as long as no script is active)
  5. done that, but direct x shouldnt be that much of a problem, i mean i should still be able too run 1 game even if my direct x is out of date but i cant even run old games, it just freezes
  6. yes the drivers are from an official site latest one geforce fx 5600..... this is what my dxdiag says http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h276/Bannik/errorgraphicscard.jpg as you can see all is up too date now here is the issue, i cant perform any test not even direct draw as that will freeze my pc.... this also applies too viuewing flash videos in fullscreen with hardware acceleration enabled. there are no errors in the event viewers etc.. when the pc freezes is works for a while then a beep sound comes on and nothing works, the caps lock and num lock lights wont work. now funny thing if I remove my driver for the graphics card and use the VGA.DLL then everything works, even hardware acceleration and both tests direct draw and direct 3d, even games that didnt work before work now.....(installed perfect world, before nothing would load) now I think it could be a faulty graphics card but its kinda strange that with the driver it causes errors without it the errors dont occur.
  7. okay hi, new, have a big and very weird problem basically my NVIDIA 5600fx graphics card is acting up, everytime i perform or do something graphical like play games (quake live utilizes the browser) or perform a direct 3d or direct draw test in DXDIAG the pc freezes, now here is the proble, the dxdiag says i have no direct3d acceleration (and i should) and i cant access my nvidia settings because it freezes.... this is also a problem when playing flash movies in fullscreen and having hardware acceleration enabled, the pc simply freezes. i have the latest driver etc, everything is up to date etc etc..... also IF i remove my graphics driver the pc actually works better, i can run games, see fullscreen movies with hardware acceleration etc.... so is it a driver issue or do i need a new graphics card??? i am newbie at this so if you need specific info please do ask Edited in paragraph breaks for easy reading.
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