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About mike

  • Birthday 02/17/1989

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    Web Developer
  • Real Name
    Mike Stephens

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  1. Hello, We were contacted today by The Telegraph (UK broadsheet newspaper) who gave us a heads up that they will be giving away two free "Confident Computing" guides inside the Telegraph this weekend (March 19th and 20th). You can find out more information on The Telegraphs website or by clicking on the banner below. http://extremetechsupport.com/images/ads/computing_300X250.gif
  2. By registering at Extreme Tech Support you agree to the following rules. Please do take notice of these rules and follow them. Simply ignoring these rules will result in disciplinary action, including but not limited to temporary account ban, permanent account ban, account deletion and thread/post deletion. Last updated: 15th March 2011 Basic Rules No flaming, trolling or spamming, doing so will result in an immediate ban without warning. No intentionally offensive language, racism, sexism or other rudeness will be tolerated whatsoever. No advice or help will be offered with regard to P2P (Peer to Peer, torrents etc) programs or software obtained via that medium unless a member specifically states that they require help on removing such software. References, questions, signatures or subjects posted with regard to or containing software cracks, rips, hacks, warez, non-genuine, pirated and illegal software etc, may be removed, the thread closed and the originating poster possibly being banned. No help will be given regarding software designed to break or get round copyrighted material and any link to such software will be removed and appropriate action taken. On the grounds that we are never able to validate the methods of acquisition of hardware and software and therefore the legal possession of said items we are unable to provide solutions to circumvent password protection on hardware or software, this also applies to password protected files. Do not hijack other people's topics that are having the same problem that you are having. Make a new topic with regard to your problem/s. Do not double post either in the same forum or a different one with regard to the same topic, doing so will result in the removal of the second post. Do not create multiple user accounts, doing so will result in the removal of said accounts. Do not attempt register a username that is offensive. Do not attempt to register a UserName which includes a url or variations thereof, eg; www. .com .org. .net etc. Do not attempt to register a UserName which is an email address. Any advertisements in Signatures, Avatars and Profile Pictures must be of a non profit making basis. Any member wishing to advertise their business on this site must contact the administration. No links to other forums are allowed in posts or signatures unless approved by the moderators or administrators. Do NOT PM (private message) any Moderator or Admin with regard to computer issues. Please post your issue in the relevant forum. Do NOT under any circumstances use Site Feedback or Other in the Contact Us section to send emails to the Administration with regard to your computer problem. Please post in the correct forum with regard to your PC issue. Any post that does contain computer problems will be ignored unless posted in the general discussion area. If you are unhappy with a Moderators decisions regarding any dispute then please contact the Administrators. Clearly state your problem, including your operating system version, any relevant hardware you are using and the exact error or problem you are getting - We need to know as much as possible in order to help you effectively. Just be nice and treat others as you would like to be treated yourself - Being nice and patient never hurt anyone! Anyone found ignoring these rules will be private messaged and warned, any subsequent occurrences may result in a members participation in Extreme Tech Support being withdrawn on a permanent basis. Basic Disclaimer: Any posts in the Extreme Tech Support forums are posted by individuals acting in their own right and do not necessarily reflect the views of Extreme Tech Support. Extreme Tech Support members shall remain solely responsible for the content of their posts or any input made by themselves at all times. Information obtained in a forum may not be accurate or reliable. Extreme Tech Support shall not be held liable for any statement, misstatement, inaccuracy or omission of any type for any content submitted by a member on this forum whatsoever. Extreme Tech Support reserve the right to remove or edit any content posted to any forum at any time and for any reason without notice. Subject to this Basic Disclaimer, all posts contained within the forum are deemed to be the intellectual property of Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help. Anyone, other than the original author, who copies or paraphrases (either in whole or in part) a post contained within this forum for any purpose other then personal use without giving full and complete credit to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help (including a direct link where appropriate) shall be considered to be in violation of these rules and may be banned from membership. In addition Extreme Tech Support reserves the right to pursue any other remedy available to it by law.
  3. Welcome to Extreme Tech Support - we're here to help with your pc problems! New around here? If this is the first time you have visited Extreme Tech Support then this is the guide for you. We will go over a few simple steps to help you get you on your way to finding answers to your questions. 1. Search Our search facility is really powerful and you may find that another user has had the same issue as you - to which there may be a solution. Have a quick search around to see if you can find an answer to your question. 2. Register If you have no luck searching, you can create a new post and ask our community for help. Before you can create or comment on posts you first need to register. It's really simple and a quick - it will only take you a few minutes at most! You may also want to introduce yourself in our Introduction Forum where our team and community will give you a warm welcome. 3. Ask Once registered, find the relevant forum and click the "Post New Thread" button in the top left hand corner. Enter a descriptive title, message and try to cover the following points: State your Operating System State your computers Make and Model (If applicable) State how/when the problem occurred Have you changed/installed anything recently? Provide detailed descriptions on the exact problem Answers to these questions will be a great help to anyone offering advice. 4. Wait Extreme Tech Support is run by a fantastic dedicated team who spend hours upon hours each day to help users worldwide with their computer support problems. Either one of our team or another member will reply to your post with possible solutions. You will be instantly notified of any replies via Email or you can keep track of replies through your account. 5. Contribute We encourage all users to contribute to other peoples posts if you think you may be able to help them - after all, we are a community. You'll feel great satisfaction when helping other people with their problems, especially if you help solve them! 6. Donate If Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help has provided you with computer support then please do consider a donation. Every penny helps towards our hosting and licensing fees. By donating to Extreme Tech Support you are helping us remain online and help other users who are in a similar situation as you once were. If you donate you will be "upgraded" to the exclusive usergroup and user title of "Donating Users". 7. Help Finally, if you ever get stuck you can visit the FAQ section which contains lots of helpful information on how to use the forum. If you encounter any problems whilst using the website or have any website feedback you can contact the administrators via the Contact Us page.
  4. Hi key_man10, As far as I am aware there is no "about:config" section in Google Chrome. There is however a whole list of other info/option pages spread out over a number of pages. Try some of these commands in the URL bar - obviously please proceed with caution and make sure you backup your settings before enabling some of the experimental features. about:appcache-internals about:blob-internals about:view-http-cache about:credits about:dns about:flags about:gpu about:histograms about:memory about:net-internals about: plugins about:stats about:sync-internals about:tasks about:tcmalloc about:terms about:version The best hidden feature that I have found is under about:flags - "Confirm to Quit" - a feature which FireFox has but Chrome is only testing at the moment. For your reference I am running Mac OS X with Chrome 10.0.6 - some of these pages may or may not work on Windows version.
  5. Barry, Some facts and notes about your comments. I hope they help your concerns. The upgrade has been to the software, the previous "skin" would no longer work with this version thus the default skin has been activated. There are less adverts on this version of the website than the previous - 3 adverts on this version in fact compared to about 5 or 6 on the previous version. The update to the forum software was long overdue and may things are still left to complete - hence the notice at the top of the forum still remains. Adverts were indeed on my list of things to look at. I agree, we do not want this confusion for our users - I have removed the in-post adverts for all users and visitors. In regards to privacy, all of our adverts are delivered through the Google Adsense network which millions of websites use. If you are concerned about your privacy please visit the Google website where they provide options to opt-out of interest based adverts. In order to continue to run and support this free forum, adverts are necessary as a source of revenue. I appreciate there is a fine line between generating revenue and annoying users. Personally I think we have managed to achieve this over the years, especially compared to some of the larger PC Help forums around who have up to 3 adverts per page and multiple adverts in users posts. Over the coming days/weeks I will continue to look at the placement of adverts and will strive to keep users informed and involved in this process. If you have any other concerns or questions please do not hesitate to contact me or reply to this post. Mike
  6. Hey, Welcome to the site! :)
  7. Computer Support for beginners to experts alike. Simple, free and reliable computer support from experts you can trust! Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help is an online community built and run by both computer experts and beginners all over the world with the same philosophy in mind – People shouldn't pay for computer support. There are many sites offering computer help but often you will find there are hidden charges, one off fees or the pages are filled full of adverts – at which point it can become very confusing as to how to use the website. Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help aims to be the "diamond in the rocks". Just look at The Member List to see the continually increasing amount of members. We ensure our pages are simple, informative and are as ad free as possible – unfortunately we do need some adverts and sponsors in order to pay the bills – but we absolutely do not make you pay a penny. Well you could say we have all gone mad offering Free Computer Support, but after the majority of our users being in the computer industry for many years, we believe there needs to be an alternative place for computer help rather than your 50p per minute telephone support number from PC World or Dell! So you say "Free Computer Support Worldwide?" – Indeed, we have a fantastic team of volunteers from various countries around the world and we can almost guarantee that a senior member from our team will be online 24/7. That’s handy eh? We have nothing to hide at Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help. We don’t make a profit from this site, every penny that is either donated or earned by the Google adverts is spent on bills! Any pennies that are left over are put back directly into Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help's Marketing and Promotion strategy so that more and more users can benefit from our FREE Computer Help services. Over the years we have helped thousands of members and some often donate a small amount to us. Doing so helps us with our monthly ongoing expenditure and is greatly appreciated. Tech Members Do you have Tech Skills/Abilities? Then why not apply to become a non-staff Tech Member by Private Messaging AWS right now.
  8. Hey, Welcome to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help :) Please do ask away, we love to help :P
  9. Hey, Welcome to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help :)
  10. Aww Congrats Bonnie :) You must be very proud.
  11. Negatives, Please try the suggestions on this link. Your problem is exactly the same as this users and we have been able to resolve the problem on this thread. http://extremetechsupport.com/forum/windows-2000-and-xp/6236-cant-connect-internet.html
  12. Hey, Glad you have Internet Explorer working now :) In regards to the other issue please have a look at this thread: http://extremetechsupport.com/forum/windows-vista/6161-error-loading-dll32.html I would first try and follow Maynards method which can be found here: http://extremetechsupport.com/forum/windows-vista/6161-error-loading-dll32.html#post44122 If that does not work then follow the method i posted which can be found here: http://extremetechsupport.com/forum/windows-vista/6161-error-loading-dll32.html#post44014 Good luck! Mike
  13. Hey, Glad you got it working.. Try the following in Internet Explorer: Click Tools and then click Internet Options Click the Connections tab Then click LAN Settings. Make sure that "Use a proxy server for your LAN...." and "Use automatic configuration script" are UNCHECKED Then ensure that "Automatically detect settings" is CHECKED Click OK, and close and reopen Internet Explorer. Please post back your findings. :) Mike
  14. Hey Jif, Welcome to the Forums. Enjoy your stay. Mike
  15. Hey Scarlett, Welcome to the forums! :) Enjoy your stay. Mike
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