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Everything posted by sartranew

  1. Sorry for the delay in replying back to you. I got home last night and removed all the usb connections including my mouse, i plugged the hard drive into the pc, turn on the power and it detected it straight away. Im not sure if i activated something at work, or it was removing the usbs, but now i am able to use it any of the ports. Thankyou for your help!
  2. I have recently bought a new external hard drive, usb powered, the pc at home is running windows 7, the pc at work is running windows 7 and the laptop is running XP, it is recognised on the works pc and laptop, but doesnt recognise on the home pc. device manager it states unknown usb, i hear the beeps when its plugged in. i have looked in the storage, and i cant see it anywhere there. Any help is appreciated.
  3. yes, thats right, i dont use anything via the wireless connection, everything is hard wired, but for some reason the computer disconnects frequently and hangs when the XBOX is on. :confused:
  4. Hi, i have currently got virgin modem, with a netgear router (supplied By virgin). connected to the router is my Xbox 360 and the PC, for the past few months the internet connection has been abit hit n miss ( it works for a couple of minutes, then tends to hang a little, then connects e.t.c. ) this happens when the XBOX360 is online and when the 360 is offline. I have connected Virgin to which they have replied there isnt a line fault and it cant be anything to do with the services they provide. Lastnight i plugged the ethernet cable directly into the PC, and it seemed to work better. Could the modem be intermittant if it gets warm? Any advice will be greatly appreciated.
  5. hi everyone, im new here and just wanted to say hi! :)
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