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About tony323

  • Birthday 10/24/1972

Tech Info

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  • System: windows_xp_home

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. hi ,right i have now tried a different psu and the same happens ,i have taken battery out for over ten minutes and reseated the memory .computer will now run but cant see anything on the monitor ,have been looking at this and something i have noticed is that if i have the grapics card adapter on the monitor cable the light on the monitor is amber if i take it off monitor light goes green staight away and has no signal on screen ,i,m thinking it could be the adapter ???? what do you think
  2. hi have a problem there only have a psu that has 20 wires in it my one has 24 does that matter dont want to try it and get it wrong
  3. computer wont start hi ok i have tried all the cables and connections same thing happens computer runs for a few minuites with nothing on the screen and then stops there are no bleeps or sounds , now if i press the start button fans and light come on for a second and then go off if i unplug it then it will run for a few minutes then turn off
  4. hi i,m running on windows xp last night computer worked fine ,went to start up this morning and nothing works press the start button and light comes on for a second and fans start then go off ,have unplugged and then started up fans start and light comes on but nothing on screen ,monitor light stays amber please help if you can
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