Thanks for the quick replies! This is my progress:
I followed your malware guide & now i can get back onto all my accounts. thanks :)
Before i did the checks, my background was locked on a blank blue background, and i couldnt change it in any of the accounts (all of the image backgrounds were locked) now they all work for all accounts but my main one. in my main account, i can now click them, but when i press apply a window pops up saying "the visual styles could not be applied".
Applications think that they are booting for the first time - so the cd keys that i had entered at the time of installation are still there, but some still ask for the cd key. I noticed that the latter types of application (at runtime) seem to ask for a cd key each individual account. i guess mabye user specific info on my main account may have been permanently lost. :(
Also thanks for the links to all the useful software! i can definetly see them coming in handy in the future & Ive backed up all my important stuff so am ready to give my computer a real makeover (aside from a format, if possible).
I may as well move onto my next problem... BSOD.
90% of the time on boot, i get a BSOD error saying:
but surprisingly the other 10% of the time, it boots up, no problem, everything working (sound, video, wireless, LAN, ect) It also boots up fine in safe mode, though without sound ect. ive tried reinstalling most of my drivers. The BSOD also gives me hex numbers. Is there any way of finding out exactly where the problem is occuring?