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Clyde Built

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About Clyde Built

  • Birthday 6/22/1989

Tech Info

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  • System: windows_vista

Clyde Built's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Anyone? :p Should I just take the game back, since it seems to work OK for DVD's? There's a donation in it if anyone can help me out, it's starting to do my head in
  2. Ahh, thanks WM I've got Run up and running and I've been following the instructions linked above (for Vista) I've been doing fine up until this bit: The problem is, I can get as far as HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE (/ CURRENT_USER) \Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies.....but neither registry keys seem to have an 'Explorer' option. The only entries under 'Policies' are Attachments, NonEnum and System Sorry for being so rubbish :mad:
  3. Yes, I just popped a DVD in and AutoPlay starts up fine. It seems that it's just the Football Manager disc that isn't working Also, starams5, I followed the link you posted, and came across another problem. When I start typing 'regedit' or whatever into the search bar in the Start menu, my laptop just sort of clicks and freezes up. Very strange :(
  4. Hi folks Firstly, I hope I posted this in the right forum! My problem is that recently, my game of Football Manager died :( and because I'm so hopelessly addicted, I just uninstalled Steam and went out and bought a second FM game. However, when I put the new disc in my CD port nothing happens (a prompt should appear to begin installation) Then, I clicked Start > Computer and sure enough there it was, under 'Devices with Removable Storage' (zero bytes free of 2.10 GB) When I clicked this, again there was no response. I don't see why it isn't working, my laptop has more than enough memory to install the game. Any help would be greatly appreciated, it's driving me up the wall!
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