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Everything posted by benjiallen

  1. thanks a lot. I appreciate the help, but I'll try and finish what Jelly Bean is helping me to do first. Then I'll move onto those methods. Thanks very much :)
  2. hi :) have fun!
  3. well, i went to properties under my computer and found out its a Qtech. but i ran that programme, and didnt see anything like that. only "Board: SiS-661" when i run the properties link this is what it says: Qtech Qtech IntelĀ® CeleronĀ® CPU 2.66GHz etc etc :S sorry for being no help
  4. to tell you the truth, i dont know what make it is. its got a big Q on the front. I don't think its a particularly famous make either. Sorry I can't be much more help.....I think it might be Quantus actually. I'll search around and let you know
  5. Ok well, it seemed to take forever to download it last night, but I have it now. My computer tried installing the the USB's again but it said "Cannot install the hardware". And it's because it can't find the software to go with the USB's :S. Any more suggestions please? Thanks
  6. Ok well i checked it and its SP2. I've had to download Internet Explorer so that I can download SP3. Typical... So I'm waiting for that to download now. Thanks again :)
  7. Im a computer noob apparently Whats service pack 3? :L
  8. Thanks guys I really appreciate the help. I tried the uninstall thing but my computer wont automatically re-install them. It comes up with the same "found new hardware" and then asked if I want to install it automatically or manually. I think maybe there could be an issue there with my computer? About recognizing other devices perhaps. I don't have a clue, I know how to use a computer not how to fix it :P. But then if that's the case, surely I shouldnt be able to connect to the internet... Any more helpful advice? Many thanks :)
  9. Yeah I quite literally just updated to iTunes v8.1.1. Which is pretty flash by the way :) and my iPod is the 3rd generation Nano if that means anything to you :P But it's not just my iPod, it's all USB related things. Such as printers for example. I genuinely don't know what's wrong :(
  10. Sorry, just realised this is the wrong forum. I'll move it!
  11. Thanks. I appreciate the welcome
  12. Whenever I try to update my iPod or put pictures from my phone onto my computer, I simply can't. What happens is: The bubble pops up reading "New Hardware Found" I click on it and have two options "Install software automatically" or "Install software manually". I usually choose automatically It takes some time "searching" for the correct software and finally tells me "The software could not be found. Your new hardware may not work properly" The problem I personally have with this, is that iPods only require iTunes to work (as far as I know) and it's the same with any hardware that I try to connect via the USB port. I've spoken with some friends and they suggest I need a new USB board (or something like that), but I'm hoping someone knows a different way to solve my problem without paying out too much. I JUST WANT TO LISTEN TO MUSIC!!! :P I hope that you can all understand my problem Any help would be more than appreciated Thanks again :) Ben
  13. Hi everyone, I just joined today in hope that you're all nice people and can actually help me :D My names Ben, I'm 17 and I'm currently a student with a part-time job. As I don't earn much, I'm hoping I can get as much help here as I can before consulting the pro's with their costly bills. If there's anything else you want to know about me, don't be afraid to just ask, I'm a pretty honest person. Hope to get some nice replies :) Thanks Ben
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