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About Jags1888

  • Birthday 08/18/1963

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  • System: windows_xp_media

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  1. ZP3.bmp. Zune picture for pc help 2.bmpjpg thats what i got.. not sure if it will help but may do something.. Zune picture for pc help 2.bmp
  2. EventType : BEX P1 : Zune.exe P2 : 3.1.620.0 P3 : 49189652 P4 : mscorwks.dll P5 : 2.0.50727.832 P6 : 461f2e2a P7 : 0021e171 P8 : c0000409 P9 : 00000000 I'm not totally sure if this will help but this is what the error report said it would contain when i got it to do one... thanks everyone.
  3. Its just the zune program... but i sometimes get error messages but not always. next time i'll take a screen shot for you. i'll see if i can get it to do that in a second. it also does not always open.. and wolfeymole- i already checked that but thanks anyways.. i posted in those forums too and got nothing.. so i figured you all may know more than they do.
  4. Every time i open zune i can sometimes see it for a second but then it closes. sometimes the windows message comes up but sometimes not. i do the debug think and it does nothing really. any suggestions would be great? i can't figure it out. if you need any information just ask. thanks
  5. i will just do alll of this to be sure. do i just disable all of mcafee or can i leave it running? i have the package thing..
  6. so i can just do step 5 to make sure i don't have it?
  7. Alright. so i was about to follow the steps as he suggested. and i decided to scan one more time to make sure nothing had changed. and everything was good? is that a good sign? or is that a bad sign that i just lost it? and thanks to everyone for helping me.
  8. i have everything backed on my hard drive i'll check before i start. so after all this is done my computer will be set up the exact same and look just like it does now?
  9. alright thank you. i will try it in a little bit. but of course i'm wondering what it will do? will i lose anything on my computer? i do have an external hard drive..
  10. Hey everyone this is my first post and i'm kinda new to this stuff and ran into a problem this morning..I was running a scan on mcafee and this popped up saying it couldn't be quarantined and that the termination failed.the two file names it is under is Windows\system32\twext.exe and system32\winlogon.exe. any help would be appreciated thanks in advance.
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