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Everything posted by Bri

  1. Cheers for the advice maynardvdm and to all who have helped me. I may be back for help once I have purchased a replacement! You guys are a great help keep up the good work, maybe oneday soon I will be able to contibute in some way to show my appreciation, once again many thanks. Bri
  2. Thanks Zinglebarb. Any suggestions on a replacement? Should I stick with nvidea, I was just looking at an 8800 GT for about 90 quid advice appreciated.
  3. It is a Dimension 9150. Bri
  4. Cheers Randy L the service tag is GRDM02J. I did try, but I really wasnt sure what I was looking for.
  5. Hi Jelly Bean, I had a look and all I can see is DELL and a sticker with A02, unless you could tell me where to find it! As I said previously my experience of opening the CPU is limited, however, with all your kind help I am learning quite a bit already. I now even know how to remove my graphic card, which is not something I could not do a week ago. You probably know already but here is a link to what my pc looks like inside! http://support.euro.dell.com/support/edocs/systems/dim9150/en/sm/techov.htm#wp1053345 The graphics card is in PCI x1 sorry i doubt I am giving you much to go on here. To be honest I had a look at graphoc cards and would not know where to start so any pointers would be much appreciated. Cheers, Bri
  6. Thanks RandyL
  7. Do I need to move my query to the hardware forum now?
  8. Well thanks I tried all suggested options, so I think I need a new graphic card. I would appreciate your advice on which replacement I should choose, I would also appreciate help on what to do as I said earlier, I am ok this side but when I open the box I have very limited knowledge, if I am honest next to none! I currently have a 256MB nVidia GeForce 6800. My base system is an Intel Pentium D830 (3.0Ghz, 800FSB, 2x1MB Cache) with 1024MB Dual Channel DDR2 400MHz (2x512) memory and a hard drive with 320GB SATA RAID 0 Stripe (2x160GB 7200rpm drives with Databurst cache). To be honest I dont know what that all means but it might help you help me! At the time it sounded good to me but is probably way out of date given the speed of progress on IT. If it helps I use the PC largely for music and gaming, but I am a bit of a saddo and use it off-line. I do wonder if this set up is poerful enough to handle games like the witcher, which is what I was using befre the crash. I am sure there are some far more serious gamers out there who could advise. Any help greatly appreciated and thanks for your efforts so far.
  9. Thanks Zinglebarb & JB. It is before windows kicks in, in fact now I am in windows graphics seem fine. I believe it is a PCI card so I will check if it is seated ok. If as you suggest Zinglebarb it is the graphics memory I guess I will need to replace it? I will be logging out whilst I do the checks suggested above but will be back a little later at least with your help I am beginning to see light at the end of the tunnel!
  10. Hi Jelly Bean, I am only getting the 0x7E message now. I did run memtest after the 0x050 message and it came up clear. I have not had that message since trying to re-install windows. Thanks to Danzil too but I can't get as far as checking for updated drivers yet as it crashes out after re-loading windows. Another symptom that makes me think it must be video connected is that the screen view when it is booting up has sort of 'snow' on it. All the text doesn't look quite right. Sorry not a very technical description, but I hope you get my drift its like black and white dots. I have little experience of actually messing around with the cpu itself and do wonder if I need a new video card. I might just try re-installing again and see if I can get any further as the weather is terrible here today! Any further suggestions gratefully received. Thanks.
  11. Hi all, I hope you can help i have been trying to resolve a dreaded BSD error for the last few weeks with no success. For background, I use Windows XP Proffessional on a DELL Dimension 9100 that is connected wireless via BT Homehub. I am currently in safe mode. I had previous problems when under warranty that has now expired which required a replacement hard drive, yes I lost everything, including my honeymoon pictures and that was last summer. I also had previously had a faulty DVD drive replaced which I managed with some coaching from DELL support. I learnt my lesson and have now saved all my essential files to an external drive! I have tried restoring to an earlier system save and many other options, including running tests on the hard drive that reorted no errors. I tried repairing rather than re-installing windows with no success. Eventually I decided the only option available was to re-intall Windows from disk. After a number of attempts I got as far as installing the video drivers when the blue screen message appeared again. Over the last few weeks I have encountered a number of stop errors as you may imagine, but mainly 0x07E, I have a note of the first error I received which was a 0x050 error. I have tried searching the web for solutions, both windows and DELL BSD databases but am getting a little out of my depth. The most recent stop error I have has is 0x00000007E (0xC0000005, Ox8052A8F8, 0xF7A6D070, OxF7A6CD6C). I suspect it may be to do with the video drivers but would appreciate any suggestions or advice you may have. Exasperated and desparate Bri!
  12. I found this site through google. I am new so hello everyone and have some problems that I hope you will help me solve, Thanks in anticipation. I have some computer knowledge but am certainly no expert. Cheers, Bri
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