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About WeeOddBall

  • Birthday 06/15/1976

Tech Info

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  • System: windows_xp_home

WeeOddBall's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. i shall try this, thanks for your help. x
  2. i have the audio cable plugged into the headphone socket at the side of the tv and the other end plugged into the headphone socket on the tower. thanks
  3. I bought a dell 4500 tower to link to my technika lcd19/907 tv i bought the monitor cable and a sound cable to link it through the head phone sockets, the tower links fine but i cant get any sound through the tv from the tower. i know the sound on the tv is working as it also has freeview which works fine, can anyone shed any light on where i am going wrong? dell processor is windows xp service pack 3 thanks Margaret
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