I'm running Windows XP service pack 2. Just today, I have noticed that some text is bigger. I first noticed it in the app. Soulseek, but it has also appeared in Paint Shop Pro and probably more.
Here's a screenshot:
You can see the huge text from here, but click it if you want to see full size. (Apologies if I'm not meant to post pictures here, didn't see any where telling me not to.)
It seems to be pretty selective. For example, when I save something in Paint Shop Pro, the 'save', 'cancel' and 'help' buttons are a regular size but the 'okay' button is huge. I'm sure this isn't just a problem with PSP, because, like I said, it's happened in Slsk too.
I've checked under Appearance and such, text is regular size. Recently I installed a lot of new fonts using FontFrenzy, I wondered if that might have anything to do with it? However, that was early yesterday, and I didn't have this problem until today. Also, I have taken all the newly installed custom fonts off my computer and I'm still ending up with huge text.
Anyone have any ideas? Is there any way I can 'restore' my fonts folder, or could it be something else causing this random problem which only affects a few programs and a few parts of them?