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About mac

  • Birthday 04/28/1993

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  • System: windows_xp_home

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. :> in the end i took my pc to a shop i had the motherbord replaced cos a few things had blown and i got new ram installed. thanx for all the help guys :>
  2. sorry took m so long to reply was away on holiday i am not currently useing Symantec AntiVirus Corporate Edition 8.0 and NSI Software's Double-Take i will try the mem test now.
  3. Remove all RAM sticks,place one stick in slot nearest CPU/Processor. Reboot see what happens. Remove that stick and place in another,reboot see what happens do this for each stick individualy. have just tried that and the ram seems fine unless all 4 are bad
  4. soz wolf and ty jelly bean am trying it now :)
  5. blue screen hello here is my problem i get a blue stcreen with this code stop:0x0000007F (0x0000000D, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000 it happend about 10seconds to 5 mins in randomly and is very annoying plz help mac thx
  6. was looking threw all my drivers and saw that i dont have a sm bus controller driver could this be the problem?
  7. did all that and my hard drives are fine
  8. it checked my disks and then just closed
  9. just wanna say im a retard but really am grateful for the help
  10. its a mesh not too sure of the model called my brouther who owned the pc before me but hes not pciking up..... and the updates dont seem to be starting. also crashing alot so cant do much.
  11. thats right i formatted and installed XP again sorry about the lack of information
  12. called the shop they said that they dont remember and have just updated there systems and lost my information so there not very useful i think the problem is with my drivers are there any programs u would recomend for drivers?
  13. i recently just reformated my pc so
  14. i have service pack1 and my error msg says "stop:0x0000007f"
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