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Everything posted by Spoon242

  1. I understand, if that is the case I will phone them tomorrow and go through the crib sheets with them. If there is no more success, can you recommend another PC company to shop at instead maybe? I have heard poor reports on cube....
  2. Hiya, Yeah, it is still under guarantee..... Trouble is since I have owned this PC I have used it for 2 days out of a month. I am close to asking for a refund. The company, MESH, advertise themselves as 'Award winning computers' but I dont agree. tech support is just read from crib sheets with set answers.
  3. Hello, this is my first post. I have recently bought a new desktop tower PC from MESH. When it arrived it did not work, that issue is now resolved. I have a new issue right from the word go, from taking it out of the box. I switch the PC on. The bios screen runs. Windows Vista begins, the load screen with the green scrolling blip begins. It freezes there. I press reset on my PC Reboot begins again, this time I have Windows did not shut down correctly message and what mode would I like to start in question. I start in normal mode, Windows continue to load and the PC runs perfectly well. This sequence is every time I switch on from a cold start up. Questions and idead please? Julian
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