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About adrianmole

  • Birthday 07/18/1972

Tech Info

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  • System: windows_xp_home

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Cheers for the help and advice,guys..been given a new monitor, which has done the trick..
  2. Yes, I tried it on a friends monitor. It just seems weird that I get the post screen and Knight rider bar, and then nothing ! The windows music comes on, as does the 'pop' of a notification. Strange as.
  3. Hi Danzil; yes, i see the post screen, and the knight rider bar - after that,it's blank. However, I moved the pc downstairs, and ran it through my tv on the rgb setting,and it was fine
  4. I mean completely black..think it's the monitor, coz i tried it round at my friends, and it was fine
  5. will try that when i get home, and let you know in a while. Thanks, Randy.
  6. Sorry, that hasn't worked as the screen is completely blank, so i'm unable to try that.
  7. hello,all! Hi all, No doubt i'll be bothering you with problems over the coming weeks! Cheers, Steve
  8. Hi, my pc running xp home has an issue; when booting up and windows loading screen,there is windows loading bar etc, on the screen,but when it comes to the desktop, the screen is blank. I know it's loaded, because the welcome sound comes on, and i hear the "pop" sound of a new notification. The pc boots up ok in safe mode, but after that, I'm scuppered! any help will be greatly appreciated! Cheers, steve
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