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About valandian

  • Birthday 01/16/1970

Tech Info

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  • System: windows_xp_home

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. I think it's about time I got a new browser. I have tried a fair few but always revert back to IE6 (I know). The trouble I have had, or rather what I need my new browser to do is as follows:- 1."save picture as" and direct this automaticly to the last folder I saved in and under the filename of the picture, like IE6 does. 2.Open clicks in new windows, like IE6 does. 3.Not slow down my stone age machine with pointless add-ons and toolbars. Can anyone help or sugest one that suits my needs please. I'm running xp os. Thanks in advance.
  2. Infact, this forum itself gives me a simular issue in that the links do not change colour when clicked. All my preferences are right because it works perfectly on different sites and forums.
  3. They are just thumbnail pictures that when clicked would open up in a new window. They used to indicate they had just been opened by "dotting" round them or turning the boarders a different colour. I have tried about 8 or 9 different browsers & they all cause me a headache. IE8 is soooo slow to open multiple windows which I do because the websites servers are so slow that by the time I've opened the last pic the 1st one is about ready to view. If that makes sense ? I've tried everything to speed it up but to no avail. Hope that clarifies a few things & thanks.
  4. Hi, I've recently reformated my P.C. & I have decided (I'm guessing against everyones advice here) to go back to using explorer 6. I used to use this before the reformat & had no problems but one seems to have cropped up now. A couple of web forums that I visit on a regular basis dont seem to highlight the thumbnail attatchments when I click them, I'm pretty sure this is not down to the page script because I had no problems before I reformatted. Is there anything I can do about this because it's really frustrating. Thanks in advance valandian
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