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Everything posted by jakwolf

  1. im using daemon tools for morrowind, however its just an example the games i actualy own do exactly the same when the cd is in. if its any help the comuter was wiped clean and xp was reinstaled about a month ago
  2. every game i own will install, however when i atempt to play the game the start up box, black window on upper left of screen, apears as normal but the game stops and does not launch. this is imediatly followed by (game name) has encountered a problem and needs to close. the error signature is this: AppName: morrowind.exe AppVer: ModName: morrowind.exe ModVer: Offset: 0029ca61 file included in report: C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1.MAS\LOCALS~1\Temp\e2bb_appcompat.txt dont know if any of this will help, but it would be very helpful if any one knows why this is happening, cheers
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