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Everything posted by jinkie

  1. i have found the drivers for sound thanks nev for all your help i took a few hrs on the web but i have sound now so thanks for your help
  2. i understand about the driver now cheers i opend the box up the only thing i can see on the board is sempron m863g if that helps any i have tryed the speakers on the monitor and they work fine thanks for taking the time to help
  3. i have tred the run part the yellow item is still the video controller the other parts under video /audio audio codes,legacy video capture devices, legacy audio drivers,media control,video codes,realtec ac 97 audio but none of them are yellow
  4. i tryed to download realtek ac"79 audio and it plays the song but still no sound i am using my philips 170b monitor for sound
  5. sorry i have sorted the usb driver but not the other two the computer is home build (not by me) its a ebox computer running on xp pro with servce pack 2 how do i find the other information and thanks for your help
  6. hello to all i am in need of some help i cant get any sound from my pc or my speakers i tryed to install new hardware ant these problems came up multimedia audio controler . video controller <vga compatible> drivers code 28 i think is this my prob any were to find these cheers the computer is a ebox with amd athlon 1.05ghz,480mb of ram with servis pack two if that helps thanks
  7. thanks its a ebox comp with the amd athlon 1.05ghz,480mb of ram windows xp por with service pack 2 if that is what you mean thanks for your help i have sorted the usb drivers
  8. hello to all i am in need of some help i cant get any sound from my pc or my speakers i tryed to install new hardware ant these problems came up multimedia audio controler . video controller <vga compatible> . universal serial bus usb controller drivers code 28 i think is this my prob any were to find these cheers
  9. hw do i do that it is very hard to see the display on the screen thanks for your help
  10. hello i need help with a problem its when i switch my pc on now the monitor is very dull you have to look at a angle to see the desktop page i have tryed two other monitors but still the same prob the pc is a dell dimensions e520 i have changed the cable to but still the same :confused:
  11. hello to all :)
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