Hello all. I hope Im not intruding asking for help out of the blue, but I really am stuck. I know nothing really about computers, so I hope people will have some patience.
This morning I booted the computer like normal and tried to open a programme too early so it crashed. I was'nt able to get to shut down or anything so I had to turn it off at the plug.
When Ive tried to go back on it beeps, but misses out the usual first page outlining drives etc. Instead there is a black screen with a cursor for around a second, followed by the windows safe mode options.
I have tried every option on the list, and none of them work. If I try safe mode then the normal wall of text comes down the screen, stops and then restarts itself after showing a blue screen which only displays for a split second, way to quickly to read. It beeps and then returns back to the safe mode options again.
If I try running XP normally, the logo and loading bar appears for quite a while like normal, gets to around about the same time each time, and then like the safe mode, displays a screen very quickly that is unreadable, and then beeps and restarts.
I understand that by turning the power off, its probably shorted something out. What though would it be? Is it the mother board, the harddrive or something else? I have very little knowledge in repairing computers, and would like to get away with not having to ponce about with any installation CD's if I can get away with it.
Many thanks to you all in advance.