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About JTB

  • Birthday 12/10/1979

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  • System: windows_vista_home

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  1. I'm probably tempting fate here but so far my internet connection has vastly improved.
  2. I downloaded and installed the drivers, it asked me to setup my wireless without rebooting so i haven't re-booted now. So it's just wait and see how long it'll be.
  3. For some reason i found it straght away lol :confused:
  4. How do i do this. I have looked on the netgear site (as it came with the router) but couldn't see any obvious dongle upgrades.
  5. Well i have just came off the phone to my isp, Virgin. I am registered for an upgrade to the 10mb that i should be getting. I will be receiving a new modem in 20 days. Though i am wondering if it is something to do with my wireless dongle more than anything. The reason i say this is that i have just had my laptop connected via an ethernet cable to my router and the speed with which websites loads improved immensly and i didn't get any of the errors mentioned above. Now i am back using my dongle i am getting slow speeds and timeout messages again. Even though I am currently sat less than a foot away from my router.
  6. http://www.speedtest.net/result/530952180.png That's my speedtest, i should be on at least 8 as i'm pretty sure im paying for 10mb.
  7. Well i can understand that if the PSP's were using the wirless signal. Yet at this moment in time they are both turned off including the W-LAN. And yet i am still getting the same message every couple of minutes.
  8. Good afternoon all, I am having some issues with my wireless internet connection. For the last week or so now i am getting this message pop up rather regulary.......... The connection was reset The connection to the server was reset while the page was loading. * The site could be temporarily unavailable or too busy. Try again in a few moments. * If you are unable to load any pages, check your computer's network connection. * If your computer or network is protected by a firewall or proxy, make sure that Firefox is permitted to access the Web. Also the connection is getting very slow. I have spent a good couple of hours today trying to sort this issue out. I have rebooted my modem then the router.... I have reset the router to factory default settings and started again..... I have searched for upgrades for my router....there is none... I have downloaded FIREFOX's latest version.. I've even tried a different browser (opera), Yet the problem is stilll happening and it's beginning to annoy me something rotten. I use a NETGER RANGEMAX and a wireless adapter on a windows vista-home premium laptop. One thing i have noticed though is that it all started when i setup my two PSP's to be able to accesss the net wirelessly. Any help that could remedy this situation whilst still allowing psp's o access the net would be greatly appreciated. Regards, Death-A-Lot
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